Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Nighttime Thunderstorms with Hail
Sun 07:26pm  
Stables Online:  115 
Maple Tree Eventing
07:24:50 Lydia <3
SubSubSub colour stallion, D': i tried to draw too many from the stud i was aiming for and didn't realise it had reset to the top of the stallion list after i got the error message, LOL
07:24:46 Burnt Chickie Nuggie
lol myth he took half of my mini corndogs for himself the other night
07:23:18 Crowley
At least eats real food.
Glacier Bay Cove
07:22:39 Glacier cats
Waiting for the start of trivia
Lydia-hopefully the straws can be useful.
Even if it's the wrong stallion.
07:21:17 Burnt Chickie Nuggie
my nephew took my ham and swiss sandwich lol
Maple Tree Eventing
07:21:05 Lydia <3
well- at least it wasn't 30 on the bright side T-T
Lydia- I wish.
The Joker
07:19:52 Ari <3
Time change has me so confused on when I had to show up for trivia 💀
Maple Tree Eventing
07:18:06 Lydia <3
is there any way to refund if you accidentally draw straws from the wrong stud T-T
Kanenoki Estate
07:18:06 Noki
awesome thanks!

versa - yeah, i understand. i'm trying to get a diagnosis for POTS and it's been pretty rough, i've always had issues but things got a lot worse after i got covid
Am ready for tomorrow to come.
I want answers.
Still Water Stables
07:14:32 Oriyana
Green number means the rider is a higher level than the training discipline
07:13:57 puck
It means the rider is better than the horse, which gives them an advantage in shows :) It's a good thing
E.T. Eventing
07:13:37 Zrek
In the money, if I remember right, for showing.
Kanenoki Estate
07:12:45 Noki
also quick side note, can someone remind me what a green number on a horse's training level means on the barn page? i know what red means but i don't think i've ever seen green before.
E.T. Eventing
07:12:34 Zrek
oh my god I totally forgot I messaged here and just left everyone hanging
07:12:03 Versa
Well. So it is normal for my heartrate to be a bit elevated, and that's part of why the Covid vaccine hit me so hard, was that it elevated it further in a nasty reaction. Caused some damage. So now anything that can further raise it, I try to be on the extra cautious end.
Kanenoki Estate
07:10:50 Noki
good idea, especially if you are tachycardic and are not normally. hope you feel well soon!
Hope you feel better soon versa

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Maple Tree Eventing
07:24:50 Lydia <3
SubSubSub colour stallion, D': i tried to draw too many from the stud i was aiming for and didn't realise it had reset to the top of the stallion list after i got the error message, LOL
07:24:46 Burnt Chickie Nuggie
lol myth he took half of my mini corndogs for himself the other night
07:23:18 Crowley
At least eats real food.
Glacier Bay Cove
07:22:39 Glacier cats
Waiting for the start of trivia
Lydia-hopefully the straws can be useful.
Even if it's the wrong stallion.
07:21:17 Burnt Chickie Nuggie
my nephew took my ham and swiss sandwich lol
Maple Tree Eventing
07:21:05 Lydia <3
well- at least it wasn't 30 on the bright side T-T
Lydia- I wish.
The Joker
07:19:52 Ari <3
Time change has me so confused on when I had to show up for trivia 💀
Maple Tree Eventing
07:18:06 Lydia <3
is there any way to refund if you accidentally draw straws from the wrong stud T-T
Kanenoki Estate
07:18:06 Noki
awesome thanks!

versa - yeah, i understand. i'm trying to get a diagnosis for POTS and it's been pretty rough, i've always had issues but things got a lot worse after i got covid
Am ready for tomorrow to come.
I want answers.
Still Water Stables
07:14:32 Oriyana
Green number means the rider is a higher level than the training discipline
07:13:57 puck
It means the rider is better than the horse, which gives them an advantage in shows :) It's a good thing
E.T. Eventing
07:13:37 Zrek
In the money, if I remember right, for showing.
Kanenoki Estate
07:12:45 Noki
also quick side note, can someone remind me what a green number on a horse's training level means on the barn page? i know what red means but i don't think i've ever seen green before.
E.T. Eventing
07:12:34 Zrek
oh my god I totally forgot I messaged here and just left everyone hanging
07:12:03 Versa
Well. So it is normal for my heartrate to be a bit elevated, and that's part of why the Covid vaccine hit me so hard, was that it elevated it further in a nasty reaction. Caused some damage. So now anything that can further raise it, I try to be on the extra cautious end.
Kanenoki Estate
07:10:50 Noki
good idea, especially if you are tachycardic and are not normally. hope you feel well soon!
Hope you feel better soon versa

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