I have a ton of questions that I cant find the answer to.
1. I see that most people have more then one barn. My question is how do you get more? and a pasture. I have seen pastures also.
2. I see there are seeds, but I don't see any way to grow them?
3. I'm not sure what A LOT of the items are used for and I cant seem to find any explications.
4. Also I understand that only members can get straw, but what is it and what does it do?
That's all I can think of for now. I might find more. Thank you for the help!

1. To get a new barn or pasture, you go to Grow>Upgrades and more> Barns. Each barn costs a different amount of EBs, depending on what size you get. Same thing for pastures. 2. You must have a pasture turned into fields to grow crops. 3. Each item has a different use, normally you will be able to find a brief description in store or something of that sort. Don't be afraid to ask in chat. :) 4. A straw is collected semen from a stallion. It works similar to a LC, which gives you a foal, but costs an extra 2.5k to use.
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