
Trivia Team |
I am looking for a breeding partner, I do all breeds besides KNN and RID. I do sometimes breed ISH and SH, but a stable that focuses on those would not be a good match for me. My current focus is on AA, TB, WB, and PON. My goals when it comes to breeding are to produce high rated horses with color. Right now I am working on pearl, silver, and tobi AA/TB. I also breed a ton of SD, mostly dressage WB with color. * This part is pretty important, your stable must be on par with mine. I am not interested in giving hand outs. I am ok with helping with ebs on big matches or offering free broods/straws. But you must be able to also help me in the same way. I am looking for a partnership that will help us grow equally. You must be producing WWW foals on your own, be using svens, and have at least a few LB horses. * Please respond here explaining why our stables would be a good fit. I will send a pm if I am iterested in a partnership. <3
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Newer stable (closing in on a year xD) and I'm looking for a breeding partner as well, so i figured i'd thow myself out there even though, I am newer <3 - I am currently breeding TB/AA and ISH (a little WB and SH) AD +color. I am focusing on silver and pearl as well which would be a great fit, and am interested in Tobi TB/AAs. My goal is for a WWW 1o1 with pearl and silver, maybe a bit of brave just for funsies. - I have bred 2 LB horses (I own a few boys) and have several promising and undebut girls (including the only EWW-E silver brown in game (1/4 non roan EWW silver browns) and a WWW au wk4 Silver girl). I have used a sven and plan on consistently using them in future ROs. I have bred 2 WWW and have multiple WW and W horses. (many, many WW&W flops >.<) and have pretty consistent showing/breeding/art/ income. I am perfectly willing and able to offer any of my girls/straws and ebs to a breeding partner for really anything so long as there is a 50/50 equal give and take. I am currently without a breeding partner so I have been breeding and producing horses pretty much on my own. - recently snagged a new prl WEW tb girl as well! Edited at November 11, 2024 08:53 PM by Dash and Duchess
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So I'm recently getting back into breeding TB, specifically with the goals of (AB)/LB and color, and it started off great! I got a WWW Tobi TB colt this year, I also have previously bred a LB Pearl WWW TB stud, if you want to wait for me to get my feet on the ground a little more I understand, but I am able to offer straws, when the time comes, and eb help if you give me some form of warning <3 I wouldn't take all your resources. But I wouldn't want you taking all mine <3 Just let me know any questions you have please!
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Definitely not breeding partner material yet since I've only switched into AAs this month, but I figured I'd mention that our goals are pretty similar - I'm breeding for ratings with silver, pearl, and champagne. So far I have zero horses to show for it (unless a 1.4mil EEE counts 🫠) but I am gathering up some cute embryos to sven over the next few months. Although I'm out of budget for this month, I just might be a regular customer of embryos to your girls if that's ok ^^
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Figured I'd pop in here, my breeds are split between accounts, but I do TB/AA/X/WB here and then SH/ISH/PON on Grimmoire Gardens. I'd be interested in a breeding partner <3 I've got a decent bit of LB/LB Potential girls laying around (No studs yet though #ColtsHateMe), not a lot of striving color yet, but that's something that can be worked on! Hit me up if you're interested hun!
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Trivia Team |
I forgot about this sorry guys T-T I will be messaging some of you
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I have some AALB mares, working on X And TB again. SH as well here. SHLB mares on my SAs too
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