Hello all. :) Back in the day, (about ten years ago) I used to be fairly good at manipulations, for the level of art back then. I "worked" at an online studio, had plenty of satisfied customers, and I felt confident. However, once some of the bigger roleplay/sim horse sites changed (and my life changed as well), I stopped making art. Recently I discovered HEE and I'd love to get back into it, but I don't have the level of skill that I used to, and before I spend $20 or so a month on PS, I would like to make sure I have what it takes.
Anyway, is anyone interested in mentoring me? I'm not sure what I would exchange except for a portion of the income I make (ebs) when I open an art shop here. In example, if I charge $50ebs for a horse avatar, your cut would be something like $20k. You don't have to do *anything* except for provide advice on how I can get better, and critique my work. You'd make money for your opinion.
- Obviously you have to be better at this than me. Easy to do. If you don't know if you qualify, look at my recent work and ask yourself what *specifically* you would do different in the manip to make it better. If you can find something, you qualify.
- You have to be available for feedback. Not 24/7 of course, but a few times a week perhaps?
- Willingness to put forth constructive criticism, in a kind way.
An example of my recent work:
https://i.lensdump.com/i/8jh6Hq.jpg Edited at March 1, 2018 03:31 PM by TheTriggeredHipster
I would have cut it a little cleaner. The back leg looks WAY to thin. Then I would have downsized the horse a little and brought it foreword that way The horse is the focus point (I mean it still is I think just needs to be brought foreword. Also I'm on Mon-Friday. Edited at March 1, 2018 03:38 PM by Ruby Quater Horses
Sniper Ridge Stables said: Broke link :(
Uh oh! It's not broken on my end and I think Ruby was able to see it too. I'll try again:
Ruby Quater Horses said: I would have cut it a little cleaner. The back leg looks WAY to thin. Then I would have downsized the horse a little and brought it foreword that way The horse is the focus point (I mean it still is I think just needs to be brought foreword. Also I'm on Mon-Friday.
Thank you Ruby! That back leg does look way too thin now that I'm looking at it. The front legs were work too. I think my background or horse was a poor choice. I think in the future I'll go for better looking horses; I was just trying so hard to have a strong looking subject. :/
I'm sorting through my messages now, and will post here when I've made a decision on a mentor. :D
TheTriggeredHipster said:
Ruby Quater Horses said: I would have cut it a little cleaner. The back leg looks WAY to thin. Then I would have downsized the horse a little and brought it foreword that way The horse is the focus point (I mean it still is I think just needs to be brought foreword. Also I'm on Mon-Friday.
Thank you Ruby! That back leg does look way too thin now that I'm looking at it. The front legs were work too. I think my background or horse was a poor choice. I think in the future I'll go for better looking horses; I was just trying so hard to have a strong looking subject. :/
I'm sorting through my messages now, and will post here when I've made a decision on a mentor. :D
I like the horse. Nut now that I think about it I thing the BG is to "far into the distance" it need's something close up.
I can see it. :)
I quite like this horse and background together, and I think it is a rather attractive horse. The lighting in this piece is spot on, and your use of text is phenomenal. I struggle with text. LOL
As far as some things that can improve this piece?
The back leg... I dont actually think it's too small. I'm pretty sure that's his cannon bone. What did happen is his thigh blended in with the rest of him making it kind of awkward looking. I think some small highlighting of outlines could really go a long way in helping bring the horse to life and giving it depth.
I think if you made the horse just a wee bit smaller and actually moving it back so it looks planted in the piece, adding some defining highlights around the outlines of features, and correcting the shadow (its a little off for the light source) This could be a very solid piece. :)
My advice is always free. :) As is many others. Edited at March 1, 2018 09:35 PM by Jellos Warmbloods
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True. The horse should be smaller. But still I dislike the back leg LOL. But I really love how you preserved the shadows and made a shadow under the horse!
Thank you all for your willingness to help. I've chosen a mentor - actually a small group of mentors! This will be great for me, since it offers a range of perspectives. <3 I'm sending something small to each of you who showed interest in helping me grow. :)