What I use: - a huge amount of procrastination - Photoshop CC 2018 - Wacom Intuos Pro - A big ass computer
Please realise I have never done my art with a mouse or in any other program than Photoshop so I will be unable to help ouside my area of expertise.
4 Top Tips to make your art level up instantly for beginners
1. Cut your horse out with the pen tool on PS or a hard round eraser. Spend as much time as you need on it. Sharp edges on the horse will help make it look crisp and clear and be more appealing to the eye.
2. When smudging your horse, if you smudge, lock the transparency of the original horse layer and then duplicate. On the new duplicated layer get your smudge brush, set the hardness to 0 and with smudge effect set to anywhere between 15-20, smudge the horse making sure you keep the detail. When I smudge I follow the muscle lines of the horse and not the hair itself. THis allows for a more accurate representation of the horse I find. Once you have finished smudging the layer lower the opacity and fill from anywhere from 60-80% depending on how grainy the horse is. Once you're done you can merge the layers and move onto something else.
3. Give your horse shadows. One of the easiest things to ground your horse is to give him or her shadows. They will blend into the background better and look more appealing to the eye. I scrible out a general shape of the horse on the ground and then guassian blur it depending on how messy it all is. I then set the layer to Multiply and put the opacity and fill down to it feels right with the images.
4. When moving or transforming your horse make sure the ratio box is locked so the horse stays in proportion, I never change the height or length of my horse with the transform tool as it makes the horse look off and makes the image ugly. You can scale the horse and keep the ratio accurate by clicking in the box in the corner of the image and hold down shift while scalign the image.
I'm now going to put together a lighting and painted mane tutorial for this now.
If you have any questions or want anything explained ask away :)
Thank you so much. Can't wait for your next one!!
A beautiful sophisticated and well put together (not) PDF on how I do my tricky colour changes. This works on any horse stock (apart from stock that is originally paint) to colour change it to any coat pattern with any markings including roan. If you have any questions feel free to ask I don't bite :D Edited at January 16, 2020 05:05 AM by Phantasm Farm
For whatever reason, I cant download photoshop on my computer (mac) is there a certain update your computer has to have? i think i did manage to download it but it was really weird and i couldnt figures it out...
I have a question Body mods! Eg tails (that are not hair) and stuff like that Like.. how?
How do you do your hair? I love it and must know the secrets xD
EDIT: words Edited at October 22, 2019 05:32 PM by Golden Meadows
Part 1 of my tutorial on how to do wings.
I wish I could read it o.o I can't make out the words 😂
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