Also, definitely tell me if I broke a rule or somthing, I'm new and read the rules, but I want to be careful! My peice: http://i68.tinypic.com/302xm9y.jpg I know it's kinda bad... but it's ok for a first ever horse, yes? I am used to the caninus family :3 Feel free to post bolth compliments and constructive criticism! Edited at December 8, 2018 02:52 PM by Twilight Stables
You have a good start, but it 100% looks like a dog.
It has a dog nose, dog ears, dog conformation.
I would quite honestly never know that this was supposed to be a horse.
I would spend some time really studying horse conformation and take it one step at a time. :)
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I agree with Jello. I see no resemblance of anything horseish. It would make a cute dog though. :)
If I weren't told this was a horse I would have never known. 100% looks like a dog. Doesn't resemble a horse in any way. Try studying horse conformation. It makes a cute dog though :)
Thanks guys! Definitely lots of help, as I said. I'm used to canines. I will go study horse features!
Twilight Stables said: Thanks guys!Definitely lots of help, as I said. I'm used to canines. I will go study horse features!
If you need any help just pm me :)
Heya moony :D
if ya shoot me a PM ill e able to shoot you in the right direction of some awesome tutorials