Hi, hoping a mod or other member could help with the following:
I want to make myself some banners and avatars or other images for my account. I am planning on buying some images on dreamstime & manipulating them and personalising them in Canva ...
My questions are:
<div style="text-align: center;">1. How should i credit a purchased image (on that is Royaly free with <span style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; outline: none; caret-color: rgb(98, 91, 83); color: rgb(98, 91, 83); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; text-align: justify;">Web Usage (W-EL) liscense)? Is this sufficient usage liscense? <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">2. Where, or to who exactly, do i show my proof of purchase of an image?<div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">3. May I use Canva and how would i credit free canva images and filters?<div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">4. Lastly, if ever I want to sell banners, avatars, etc. in the game; how could I give a buyer the information of proving that I purchased the image used with a W-EL liscense?<div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">5. Can I upload my image to be used directly from my Canva account or I would need another host?
Thank you for your time in advance, I have been off the grid for a few years and I am horribly lost now, have a great day
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Hello! I can maybe help with a few items! Here is a few places that are allowed for stock - just as a whole:
Question 1: You must have credits on your image. See on the bottom right where I have put shutterstock and then my stable Name? I licensed all my images from shutterstock. If you pull from Deviantart you will need to put their DA etc. as for those stock providers, I would wait and see what a Mod says because I have yet to see them used and they are not on the list.
Question 2: if you purchase an image you send a mod a screenshot of your account information for that site. They will note it on your profile you have an account - this is what I did for both my adobe and shutter stock account. Question 3: You will need to see a Mod about this / it is not on the approved list.
Question 4: You would put your stable Name or number on the image and they would have the information that it was from the account your proved you had. This ties in with showing them you have an account first. Credits are what tells the mods where the images come from - both the site and the stable.
Question 5: Only images you are uploading for your personal use can be uploaded directly to the site - meaning changing your avatar, banner, or horse avatar. HEE does not host images other than direct uploads - places like Postimg are great though! Tinypic is not allowed - there is a good list somewhere around here too. Hopefully this helps some!
Edited at May 14, 2019 09:25 AM by Amberle
Thank you! yes I noticed that Canva was not on the list, I will keep this post open until a mod gives an OK or NAY.... I did see dreamstime was approved thankfully, same type of site as shutter stock however - should i put the artists name or simply dreamstime after showing proof of purchase?
sorry about the funny coding : was trying to copy liscense information
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No worries! It is hard to get the forums to work sometimes even though they are well put together. On my phone i always manage to mess some form of coding up!
You would put Dreamstime as the artist submitted it to that site - so you are buying the license of it - if it is like Shutterstock. Just make sure to send the account picture to a mod to put the note on your account :)
That is IF it is like Shutterstock and Adobe - I have not seen it before so I am firing blind here. However a mod will probably help out soon! Edited at May 14, 2019 10:01 AM by Amberle
Kuewi KNN Stable said:...
... Art from these sites may get used with a proof of purchase shutterstock. comadobe stock. comdreamstime. combigstock.com This list is not complete and might get edited from time to time
In art help - thread about which sites not to use Edited at May 14, 2019 10:11 AM by Ibērica Stables
My god, i feel like a dinosaur Sorry for messy text
This coding stuff will be the death of me Edited at May 14, 2019 10:30 AM by Ibērica Stables
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Excellent - then Proof of Account subscription is all you need to send them!
Still waiting on an answer about Canva - if anyone knows please feel free to share