what you price my art at? I dont feel that i am improving in my art so advice would be great! Edited at March 6, 2020 12:44 PM by Lambo Farms
It's great! I'd pay between 20-30k for it.
I'm no artist, but I'd say maybe try making the noses less pink so that they look more real. You're definitely on the right track though, I'd say 10-15k
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I'd say 10k-15k to start.
I'm with Pyra, the noses are extremely pink.I'd highly suggest tuning that down a tad. As for your markings, they seem to be all over the place. Some are smudged, some not, etc. Consistency is key! The hair seems to mesh together into this big stiff blob - Try adding movement, small defining hairs and highlights/lowlights. Patience is key - it's the details that count! Try blurring the backdrop a bit because the whole picture won't be in focus. The further away you get, the blurrier the image gets.
Hope this helps! :)
I'd also say around 10-15k, keep practicing and try to match the lighting of the horse to the background
One thing everyone always forgets is shadows lol the horses need a shadow 15k-20k is what I'd say
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