help! Where can I find some good free background Stock images?
Thank you! I've found 2 stock photos I want to use :) I know I credit the owners obviously, but how do I ask if I can use them? There's no comment button, or do you just use them and credit who took them?
Slytherin Stables said: Thank you! I've found 2 stock photos I want to use :) I know I credit the owners obviously, but how do I ask if I can use them? There's no comment button, or do you just use them and credit who took them?
Just credit who took them :) Unsplash basically provides images that are free to use anywhere and in any way, so you don't need to notify or ask anyone on there. Though, to comply with the HEE rules you simply need to credit the owners name (name.unspalsh or name@unsplash etc). Hope this helps!
SilverFern Stables said: Slytherin Stables said: Thank you! I've found 2 stock photos I want to use :) I know I credit the owners obviously, but how do I ask if I can use them? There's no comment button, or do you just use them and credit who took them?
Just credit who took them :) Unsplash basically provides images that are free to use anywhere and in any way, so you don't need to notify or ask anyone on there. Though, to comply with the HEE rules you simply need to credit the owners name (name.unspalsh or name@unsplash etc). Hope this helps!
It does! Thank you!!
How is this SilverFern? ![Horse Image](https://i.imgur.com/X4aHXYn.jpg)
Slytherin Stables said: How is this SilverFern? ![Horse Image](https://i.imgur.com/X4aHXYn.jpg)
Looks good to me other than a slight misspelling the the credits (an accidental i in unsplash), which is an easy fix, but you be 100% sure I would check with a moderater :). Also, don't forget to credit yourself (the maker) on the image ;).
Slytherin Stables said: How is this SilverFern? ![Horse Image](https://i.imgur.com/X4aHXYn.jpg)
I'm not silverfern, but this looks great other than the misspelled word unsplash. You also don't need to credit that you painted it with ibispaint X :)