Potentially dumb question but I've searched the forums and the rules and can't find a specific mention. I know side accounts should be played independently and horses shouldn't be transferred between them etc, but what about breeding? For example public studs?
Hello! I have been working on my palette making skills and need a bit of help!
I have made the background opacity lower so that it is transparent and you can see the background through it. The problem is that extra boxes such as my about this stable, images(stable avi and banner included) are also somewhat seethrough which I do not want. I want the boxes layered on top of the background background(the box surrounding this box) to be visible and not transparent but want to keep the base background(in the palette editor it is called the page background color) to be transparent.
I know that I probably need to add a Z index but I am unsure of how I can do that when the basic coding of the website can not be changed but the elements(for example palettes) can be changed. I will post some screenshots below for you all to see. Thank you all!
I want it so that the boxes, text and images inside the page background color are solid like the chatbox but the page background color needs to stay transparent. Currently the opacity on the background is at 80 which can be raised but it does not make much of a difference unless I completley remove the opacity function itself. I would be willing to pay someone to help fix this, just let me know how much you would like. If you fix it, you will recieve the ebs we discuss. Thanks :)