Y'all, I guess I'm super special because I cannot for. the. life. of. me. figure out how to change the fugly green background color on my palette or change the "Featured Horse", "Prolific Sire", etc. badges. Haaalp! Please! Lol
If you take a look at my palette you will see that my background has a peachy color as well as an image in the other background. The peach color can be changed in the area of code titled Set Page Background Color. The section where I changed the image is titled Set Website Background and it is the second to last section of coding. You can insert your own image, or keep it just a solid color! The part where it says Featured Horse, etc. is still a mystery to me. I believe only one person has succeeded in changing that and I don’t think the trick has been made known to very many people so far. XD I hope this helps, PM me if more clarification is needed!
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