Ok so I really want to get into doing art so making Stable sets, Club sets, horse Avis etc as it seems quite cool to do. Im looking for some tips to start doing it, I know how to get stock so that bit is easy. It's just the editing side of it. Is there a special app to use and stuff like that. I just have a basic Asus laptop which I've had for many years xD and it's just something I can play around with.
Any help and advice would be absolutely amazing and I would appreciate it loads. You can either PM me or say on the forum. Again anything would be greatful if it isn't a lot x
~Lea Manor~
I use GIMP on my laptop. Its free and is similar to PS. It takes a little getting used to but it is for sure the best, free program out there.
Once you get GIMP, watch some tutorials, get to know how everything works and the basic idea on how to manipulate images.
Then I asked artists like Jellos Warmbloods, who uses GIMP also, for tips on things I was struggling on. For instances, main and tails.
Other than that its just lots of practice :),