I think most of us can agree that sometimes neighbors can be terrible and every single day, i am getting more and more frustrated with my neighbors. As most of you may be aware, I have a neighbors who have a gsd and 3 kids and they run a small business. When we first moved in, we were super enthusiastic about being friends with these people because they seemed pretty decent. Over time, we have realized we are totally wrong about everything we thought before. Let me start off with my sister and the logo design. My sister is the logo designer for their company and she is an amazing artist. She wants to do that as her career and so when they liked her designs and asked her to be their logo designer, she was more than happy to do it for a price. They agreed to pay her but as an artist they are supposed to pay her by the hour. Due to their constant demands and changes and needing for multiple logos, my sister sent the designs over and when they finally approved of them, she had spent over 100 hours and countless days working on these pieces. Without saying anything, they printed her logos onto their products and never paid her. Upon further research, my sister is owed about $1000 for her two logos and several cuts of the designs. We dont know what to do and they haven't mentioned paying her at all. This weekend, they went to a fair and sold their products(with my sisters logo on them). They asked me to babysit from 7am to 3pm for $10 and hour(less than what I would normally make). Since I have no other source of income right now, I agreed and calculated beforehand that I would have made $80 which isn't a lot but still something I can put towards my college funds since I have been attending college. Two of their kids have mental health/behavioral issues and the youngest is very young. They are between the ages of 10 and 2. Their GSD is also in heat and because of her heat cycle, i had to constantly clean up her blood. They got back at 3:02 and didn't tell anyone and instead stayed in the garage until 3:30 so I was technically babysitting for 8.5 hours. They paid me and i didn't count it but went over to my house and then counted it. They only paid me $70. My mom was very angry and did a ton of research on how much I should have actually been paid if I would have charged "normal" prices. Here it is 16.50 and hour for one child plus one to two dollars per additional child. So I was no where near paid what I actually deserve. Now for their dog. They have a huge female GSD who isn't trained or socialized other than with the dogs on either sides of its fence. My puppy being one of them. She is trained via shock collar and even then, she doesn't listen and is left outside without water and never has water inside either. (When I am over there, I make a point to give her some and let her in when she needs in). She was playing with my puppy today when the neighbors came outside and riled her up and she bit my puppy through the fence. Maggie yelped and all the owners said was the dogs name(not in a mean way) and then we just picked up our puppy and put her inside. Now they also plan on breeding their dog. Not for any other reason except to breed her. They like puppies and want to see puppies so they will breed her starting her next heat and then give the puppies away. They stay up until 1am(sometimes later) and run saws in their garage to cut wood and do i dont even know what. It's so loud and they leave the door open and they know we all have to leave our windows open because we don't have AC and the dust gets in our house and we can't sleep and its just seriously inconvenient and annoying and just loud. We are exhausted. Since we are really the only ones that know about this, we dont want to call anyone and them realize that it was us since they could easily become violent and hostile making our lives hell. Its just so frustrating and they are the defining of sh*tty neighbors. Edited at July 28, 2022 11:42 PM by Daranyx
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Oh. My. God. The nerves of these people. First off, is your pup okay? And second of all, I think at this point, authorities can get involved. Not paying, agressive animals, animal neglect is what I found to be legal problems. Im really sorry this is happening. Perhaps you could have dinner with them (at your house?) And politely explain/ask that they not use loud machines late in the night. Edit: and thats seriously horrible and wrong that they're planning on breeding their dog. It disgusts me the people who breed just to breed, and have untrained, neglected dogs. Pregnant women (animal or human) need special care and attention, and a pregnant bitch is a lot of money to take care of. Considering that they haven't paid you or your sister makes me very worried about what they would force this poor dog through Edited at August 9, 2020 05:39 PM by Luminescence
Luminescence said: Oh. My. God. The nerves of these people. First off, is your pup okay? And second of all, I think at this point, authorities can get involved. Not paying, agressive animals, animal neglect is what I found to be legal problems. Im really sorry this is happening. Perhaps you could have dinner with them (at your house?) And politely explain/ask that they not use loud machines late in the night. Edit: and thats seriously horrible and wrong that they're planning on breeding their dog. It disgusts me the people who breed just to breed, and have untrained, neglected dogs. Pregnant women (animal or human) need special care and attention, and a pregnant bitch is a lot of money to take care of. Considering that they haven't paid you or your sister makes me very worried about what they would force this poor dog through
This. From what you've written it doesn't seem like they've done any health testing, which is really important for breeding, especially in breeds like German Shepherds. And if she is outside without water that is not okay, especially in the summer. I don't know where you're located but if you live in a warm place it is even worse. And I feel bad for that dog. GSD's are wonderful dogs with training and socialization, but they've completely ruined her at no fault of her own. This makes me wonder if she is well-bred and from a responsible breeder because I don't think any responsible breeder would sell a dog to them. And the fact that they didn't pay you or your sister is I'm almost positive against the law, especially if she is a proffessional. I definitely think you should get the authorities involved I just hope nothing bad happens to the dog because she did nothing wrong and I'm sure with the right owners she could be a great dog. I hope she gets a home where she is treated better and is actually given a chance to be a happy dog and well-trained and socialized. If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me. Edited at August 9, 2020 05:49 PM by Diagon Alley Elites
Diagon Alley Elites said: Luminescence said: Oh. My. God. The nerves of these people. First off, is your pup okay? And second of all, I think at this point, authorities can get involved. Not paying, agressive animals, animal neglect is what I found to be legal problems. Im really sorry this is happening. Perhaps you could have dinner with them (at your house?) And politely explain/ask that they not use loud machines late in the night. Edit: and thats seriously horrible and wrong that they're planning on breeding their dog. It disgusts me the people who breed just to breed, and have untrained, neglected dogs. Pregnant women (animal or human) need special care and attention, and a pregnant bitch is a lot of money to take care of. Considering that they haven't paid you or your sister makes me very worried about what they would force this poor dog through
This. From what you've written it doesn't seem like they've done any health testing, which is really important for breeding, especially in breeds like German Shepherds. And if she is outside without water that is not okay, especially in the summer. I don't know where you're located but if you live in a warm place it is even worse. And I feel bad for that dog. GSD's are wonderful dogs with training and socialization, but they've completely ruined her at no fault of her own. This makes me wonder if she is well-bred and from a responsible breeder because I don't think any responsible breeder would sell a dog to them. And the fact that they didn't pay you or your sister is I'm almost positive against the law, especially if she is a proffessional. I definitely think you should get the authorities involved I just hope nothing bad happens to the dog because she did nothing wrong and I'm sure with the right owners she could be a great dog. I hope she gets a home where she is treated better and is actually given a chance to be a happy dog and well-trained and socialized. If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me.
Agreed GSDs are very prone to hip problems if the parents aren't bred responsibly
I believe you could file them for copyright infringement. If your sister has her credit on the logos, you could definitely get 'em!
Maggie is doing good. She yelped but was walking fine and isn't limping or whining. We take her to the vet in two weeks but she is running around right now and is happy as ever. Normally her and the neighbors dog get along very well and play well together. Their dog is just never played with and doesn't get attention so she gets jealous. We have all agreed that if something happens, we will be happy to adopt their dog to work with her since she really is a good dog but she just needs some work and love. Since GSD dogs are illegal to own here without a license(which they don't have and all pet owners have to have a license to own a pet in this part of the state) she would probably be put down especially with her aggression towards everyone and everything except us. They didn't get her from a good breeder, they bought her from someone for $500. She is a blue German shepherd and the only reason they got her was because the wife saw a fluffy puppy with blue eyes and wanted to surprise her husband. They haven't genetic tested her even though i recommended it but they haven't even taken her to get her rabbies vaccine yet so she hasn't been to the vet in about a year and it doesn't seem like they plan on taking her anytime soon. Since my sister doesn't have her signature on the logo the only proof we have of her designing it is the fact that they put credit to her on their website with my sisters first and last name. We also have their text messages and the original files. I dont know if we can do anything about ne babysitting for them.
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so they asked me if I'd babysit again. But I dont know what to do. Its my only source of income right now but they want me to babysit the whole day. My family says I shouldn't just because they don't pay me enough or ever pay me what I am owed. I have a legitimate excuse - the days that they want me to babysit I have exams and assignments due but I know I can get them done before then. I just dont know.
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Oh boy, they sound completely irresponsible. If they can't pay you and your sister properly or take good care of their dog they have no business in breeding that dog. They have to save up at the bare minimum of 3900 in case for a emergency cesarean. They need to health test, do pin hip testing and a whole butt load of stuff. Honestly I wish people had to qualify to own and breed dogs, there are simply too many backyard breeders out there and too many irresponsible bad owners. I own two dogs, one is a American Pitbull Terrier and the other we have no clue but they are extremely well behaved and I don't let them get away with anything. Your neighbors are lucky that they don't have my mom as their neighbor because if all of the bs happened to her she would cuss at them in both English and Spanish and let me tell you she is absolutely terrifying when she gets that mad. I think your sister needs to try to take some sort or legal action and your neighbors can get in serious trouble for neglecting their dog.
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Tell them that you'll babysit, but only if they pay you the money they owe you AND pay you upfront for continued services.
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I am working on trying to convince my mom we should really call someone about them. In this part of the state, you have to get them gene tested and licenced(neither of which these people have done) they must also hold a "dangerous dog license" or a pet license in general which they don't currently hold. GSDs(among other breeds) are illegal to own here just because people like to breed them and not train them which has caused frequent dog attacks so they have been deemed dangerous by the county. I dont think they think about how much it actually costs or what they would do if she needed the emergency c-section. Its frustrating for me because I dont really think they even know the basics of breeding so they are BYBs and just going to give away the puppies without knowing where they are going. I wish someone else would say something because I hate getting in the middle of things like that but it doesnt look like there will be any change anytime soon unless we call someone. I talked to the husband the other day because recently their dog has become very aggressive and just mean towards my pup and the neighbors pup. She bit my dog through the fence, my pup yelped and they didn't say anything even though they were outside. The husband said that their dog would never hurt my dog and that she would never bite any pup when she literally just bit Maggie. Maggie is fine now but we are being more careful because of their dogs aggression and we cant exactly block of our side of the fence because of the rules of the housing association. The husband continued to say that the dog is just being protective of us and that its because she is just bored and needs a job to do since all she has is her backyard to run in but he said he doesn't have time to walk his dog or play with her. I am glad he acknowledged that she needs to be played with more but he is lying when he says he doesn't have time to take her anywhere. He doesn't have to work right now because of covid so he stays home all day and does woodwork as a hobby until really late at night. There is a dog park literally less than 20 meters out of his back yard and no one is hardly ever there. I am just so tired of seeing them just neglect her. I fear that one day, she will either jump the fence or get loose somehow and bite a kid or dog or someone in general and she will have to be put down.
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