I have a 8 week old sikie chick that can't walk i don't see any wounds on it and its leg doesn't feel broken and I'm scared that i might have to kill her because my parents won't pay for her to go to the vet or euthanize her and i don't have a car or the money to bring her to the vet right now. Does anyone know what might be wrong with her or the fastest most humane way to put her down?
The chick probably has Spraddle Leg if you don't know what that is then here you go Spraddle Leg (also called splayed or splay leg) is a condition that a chick is either born with or develops within the first few hours of life whereby one or both legs slip out to the sides making them unable to stand or walk. Your Chick won't grow out of it but you can put a brace on the leg i think Edited at January 31, 2022 02:48 PM by Laughing Star fish
You can look up Spraddle Leg and how to treat it. It's treatable, but not exactly sure if it will remain with the chick all it's life.
Is it possible for her to get it this late?
Well depending on how she was kept in the brood area, the floor could have been too slick and that caused her legs to go wonky.
It could also be marek's disease, Silkie's are very susceptible. Was this chick vaccinated?
have you got any pictures? im not a chicken person, but im sure pictures would help the knowlegable folks tell what it is
I don't think she was my parents bought her for me and they didn't really ask the breeder many questions She just lays like this all day she does try to run around when i bring her outside but she can't open one of her feet so she just stumbles Edited at February 1, 2022 11:15 AM by peverly hills
she just looks like a ball of fluff, shes adorable im no vet by any means, but maybe try like putting her leg in a splint with some coffee stirrers and bandages? or like helping her spread out her foot a few times a day to see if that helps at all?
From the picture it looks like Spraddle Leg. I would look up leg conditions in chickens and then try the best way to help her.