Two nights ago I was in the ER with severe vommitting/nausea and dehydration. After spending 12 hours there I find out I have cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. Witch causes all my symptoms. They gave me haloperidol to curve the nausea and vommitting. As most of you may have realised, yes I smoke weed and yes I'm of age and it's legal where I live. The reason this diagnosis really bothers me is because I use weed to help me with my lack of appetite. But since I have this I cannot smoke anymore or I will continue to feel like this. I have no idea how to help my appetite and especially when I'm feeling like this. After I left the hospital I felt great. I ate some food and drank a bunch of water. Then about 7 hours later all my symptoms come back and I go to the store and get Pepto cause thats supposed to help a bit. Well that did nothing. Ended up going to sleep at 5pm. Waking up at 5 am full of nausea and feeling like I have to throw up. But I can't probably because if the meds they gave me yesterday, I think. And now I'm about to have a bath and that usually helps bring everything down but. When/should I be going back if Im feeling like this it's excruciating my stomach hurts like no other. I am almost in tears because of how this all makes me feel. I hate this and I hate the hospital. And no I have not smoked weed again it's been over a week now. And on top of it all my bf is not so supportive of me right now, he thinks this is all bullshit because he's never heard of it before and that it's just me (well it is it's very rare and he doesn't get that) and he's getting mad at me for feeling like this and I just can't handle that on top of how I feel. I just wish this would all go away. 😭 Sorry for long rant.. Cookies to whoever reads it all 🍪 Edited at December 13, 2023 08:49 AM by Eagle Creek Stables
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I don't want to waist the drs time, but I do wish they gave me something for at home while this lasts. I cannot tell you how much pain my stomach is in, its like someone is pulling on my stomach from the inside.😭😭
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If you can try keeping a heating pad on your stomach to help ease it. Also drink warm liquids. If you are having issues eating right now, try bone broth and crackers. I know it's not much, but this is what tends to help me out.
Heating pad was a good idea, but I am pretty sure I have to go back, I haven't been able to eat anything since last week I feel weak tired and dizzy. The baths are not really helping anymore. I'm just so hungry and thirsty again Hawkeye Farms said: If you can try keeping a heating pad on your stomach to help ease it. Also drink warm liquids. If you are having issues eating right now, try bone broth and crackers. I know it's not much, but this is what tends to help me out.
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When it comes to something truly medical, people online can offer advice, but it'll never be as reliable as a true medical professional. If you're having to ask yourself whether or not going back to a doctor is the best option, it probably is- and while people here can offer bandaid solutions, we can't diagnose what's still going wrong. . I'd take it back in, love. We can offer sympathy but I recommend against medical suggestions from strangers online, especially when it comes to whether or not something should be looked at.
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As someone who has IBS and deals with a lot of stomach pain I can tell you that there aren't a lot of pain meds out there that work on stomach pain. The only things that have worked for me is morphine, but I have only received that a few times in the ER when experiencing severe stomach pain. Most doctors do not willingly give this out anyways. Unfortunately, stomach pain is something you kind of just have to deal with. I would recommend a heating pad because the heat can help reduce the intestinal spasms which can cause pain. I would also schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist because it ER doctors can only help with short term symptoms. Edited at December 15, 2023 01:48 PM by Hummingbird Meadows