I've got a match that I'm rather excited about planned, and my WWW will be a freshman, so I'm quite excited for tomorrow! I also actually have a reasonably sized budget for once which helps XD
Recently to help me empty barns and help new members I have been reserving horses for 1000 to certain members (one horse per member). Two random days now, I have had the same member be able to purchase every horse I reserved, I have never met this member. I do not know if the ID number was switched or removed, can anyone help?
If you use the "Public sale" thing in your barns, it will erase the private sales. So whenever you have horse for private sales in a barn and use the public sale tab they go up for public sale
McSmith Ranch said: If you use the "Public sale" thing in your barns, it will erase the private sales. So whenever you have horse for private sales in a barn and use the public sale tab they go up for public sale
Argh! I had a Stallion up for private sale to someone. I did it through his private page and confirmed that their ID number showed as in being for sale to them. Today someone else purchased the stallion. This is very annoying since the original person was making payments on this 750k stallion and I was dropping the price with every payment.