I'm not sure if it's just me but every time I try and post a blog it either deletes itself or puts a bunch of coding up beside the words that I can't get rid of...
It does this every time I try an edit it:
Edited at August 10, 2017 03:13 PM by Trinity Equine
It happens to me sometimes whenever I occasionally blog. :P
It happens whenever I post a blog. You go into edit>>submit, and it is fixed... for a limited time though.
You go back to your blog at a later point and it shows up again :/
**I've seen it on other blogs as well
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<div style="text-align: center;">This topic is useless without examples...
Edited at August 31, 2017 11:34 AM by Cadence Farms
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Cadence Farms said: This topic is useless without examples...
Sorry, I will add some examples.
Have you tried clicking on 'Remove Code' before you post it?
Dimrill Dale said: Have you tried clicking on 'Remove Code' before you post it?
But then that would remove all my wanted coding, not just my unwanted.
This happens to me too. It happens every time I try to post a photo in my blogs. :(
Yea is happening to me , https://s26.postimg.org/n10d1j6ex/F_K_UP.png