-HEE Click- she is so awesome. It's worth scrolling down for me to pick her every day since she does so well. Had another fearless run today, just no map.
Awww, that's so cute of you to say, Min. I still find out new things about the game on occasion, but yes, figuring out that I can test multiple horses during one session was a life saver!
Nah I test them until they spook as well, but Sinn seemed upset they wasted moves on a subpar one. I doubt there's anything you don't know about brave testing San lol
I know that, but sometimes when testing wilds that otherwise have decent bravery I still want them to spook so they stop randomly coming up on the list (or I forget and then wonder why a wild one isn't trained)
Sinn you don't necessarily have to test sub par braves until they spook as they're the only ones that give the "your very spooky horse" message when they pass an obstacle successfully