Just bought this filly and for some reason she has breeding requirements set, yet I don't see a way to edit or remove them (because she's 1?) Seems like a glitch unless I'm being dumb... - Edited at July 5, 2023 10:16 AM by Scout Creek
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When a stable mass sets a breeding requirement all horses even 1 year olds get it
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Valhalla Acreage said: When a stable mass sets a breeding requirement all horses even 1 year olds get it
So how do I get rid of it? Do I have to wait until she's 3? It was there when I purchased her.
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Moderator |
You'll be able to change it when she's 2
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California Valley said: You'll be able to change it when she's 2
Good to know, thank you! For what it's worth, this still seems like a game bug though. That breeding requirements applied to a whole barn are applied to foals and then you can't remove it.
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Administrator |
Cadence Farms said: Fixed, thanks.
Thank you!! :)
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