So Roley is going to another clinic with the same mare I used earlier this year...back in April, I believe it was...and her name is Bobbi. She did very excellent at the clinic before but I have not had the time (due to work, school starting, my mother going back into the hospital, and other things) to work with her after that.
I will be going out tomorrow (hopefully) or sometime this coming week before the clinic to ride her so nothing bad happens, just in case. I would love some ideas on what I should work on with her.
Some things about the mare and the clinic:
~ The mare has not been ridden since April
~ She is about 8-10 years old
~ She is still green broke
~ She kicks out her back leg when she does not want to listen/move
~ She has only bucked with me on her once (at a standstill during the first clinic)
~ She did very well at the clinic with me (ex. she did small and large circles at a trot consistently, she moved off leg pressure both ways unless she tried throwing me tude)
~ Has not loped/cantered
~ She is extremely buddy sour!! (She has another horse with her named Fancy {Will try to get a picture of her buddy})
Some things I will NOT do:
~ No loping unless at the clinic and I feel comfortable
~ No actual trail rides unless I have another rider with me (may not be possible)
~ No stupid stuff
~ I will not use spurs, crops, etc.
Her owner does want her to be a trail horse so I do want to eventually do everything with her but now is not the time to be working on her with anything having to do with trail obstacles. I do need to do some more groundwork like touch-ups and everything.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask here or shoot me a pm :)