so, 3 years ago me and my family moved from my home in portugal back where we came from, to the UK. the reason for this is because my grandmother had just developed lung cancer. we went there to care for her and my grandpa. whilst i was there, i decided to take advantage of the fact that the UK is a mega horse place, i rode my cousins horse weekly, and did lessons at the local school. whilst i was there, i learned how to jump. i started with weeny things like 40cm, but by the end i was jumping 90. i really, really enjoyed it. when my grandmother passed away, we moved back here. 2 years later, i bought my first horse (es)! fam fam is a lusitano gelding. we know he has jumped before, but quite a while ago, and he still needs to get used to the idea again. but last week i went for a lesson with a cousin of a friend, who is a brilliant instructor, and he jumps in some big shows here. anyway, i got going and, after 3 years, i jumped! started with 30cm, then 50, then 70, then finally 85cm! i am forever grateful that i had the experience of jumping again
Thats really cool congrats! Its always such a good feeling to be jumping again after a break, short or long. Did your Lusi enjoy it? My instructor has some homebred lusis that jump quite well and like it.
my lusi loves it.i jumped the 30 and 50 on him, and the rest on a different but equally lovely horse, as fam fam still needs a little training
Yeah that's fair, how lovely! Pleased for you. :D