(I want to start out by saying that I am sorry in advance for spelling errors or missing punctuation XD I am on my phone and trying to type fast) I have a QH mare I am thinking about leasing out and wanted some other opinions and tips if I do decide to lease her out. I got this mare as a green broke 7 year old. At her previous home she was taken on about 3 1-2 hours rides and then left in pasture, they still had her feet done and fed her. What I'm thinking about doing is leasing her out to someone as a barrel prospect. From the little bit if barrels I have done with her at home(she has never competed) I think she could be a pretty high level barrel horse, she is very agile and definitely has the speed. She is currently 11(I've had her about 4 years) and right at 14 hh(technically a pony). She has so much energy and absolutely loves running barrels, if I did lease her I would make sure she was leased by someone who cared and had a good facility for her(I would also ask for at least monthly updates, cause I need to see how my baby is doing). I think it would be very good for her and if she did really well and enjoyed it like I think she will I would possibly sell her, I just don't want to sell her to someone, it not go well and then have the chance if her ending up in a bad home.
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I've not leased a horse out before, but I have bought/trained/sold a good few. You might want to consider legal ramifications in addition to any ethical ones about the care the horse receives. If she kicks someone and they have to go to the ER, whose fault is it? Is is yours, since you technically own the horse? Is it the leasee's fault, since they're currently the ones caring for the horse? Will you have any rules about safety equipment to be used whilst riding/handling her (e.g., helmet, hard toe boots)? Are you going to have a formal contract set up, signed by both you and the leasee (and a parent/guardian if the leasee is a minor) or will it be an informal handshake agreement? A few others might be- are you going to want to supervise how she's handled/trained (e.g., what bit is used on her, what events she's trained in)? Will this be a "you lease the horse, she belongs to you and you (leasee) cover all expenses/care/etc until the lease expires" or will you be more hands-on? Who will pay for the vet bill if the horse somehow injures herself in a freak accident? Will you split it, since you own the horse, or will the leasee preferably cover all of it since they're responsible for the horse? These are some of the things I'd want to consider before getting ready to find a leasee. If you prep for problems now you can save a headache in the long run. Best of luck to you! <3 (edited for clarity, brain goes brr faster than I type) Edited at June 16, 2021 10:45 PM by The Lady of Fangorn