My first show in over a year, on a green broke 7-year-old who is supposed to be doing the meter but due to my chaotic life we never got there. Last summer she was schooling 3 ft and showing 2'6" but needs more confidence before moving up. She took the fall and winter off and is now coming back into work. I think 2'6" will be our max showing height. Now please help me pick which classes to enter on what day. I have a budget for 4 classes
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Omgomgomg you have to do Gambler's choice. It's so much fun and lower stress because if you don't feel like tryharxing you can just jump shit until you run out of time then I'd say 2'6 match the clock and jump off, and maybe 2'3 Hunter as your warm up class on Friday?
TenaciTea said: Omgomgomg you have to do Gambler's choice. It's so much fun and lower stress because if you don't feel like tryharxing you can just jump shit until you run out of time then I'd say 2'6 match the clock and jump off, and maybe 2'3 Hunter as your warm up class on Friday?
That's a good idea! Thank you!
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If she's just coming back and you think 2'6" is the absolute max you'd be comfortable showing at, for your first show in a long time I wouldn't do anything over 2'3". Take some pressure off of yourself so you can have fun and get back into the swing of things. There'll be plenty of other shows for those higher classes :)
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I would enter her in the 2'3" hunter classes to start on Friday, and if she seems confident enter the 2'6" the rest of the day/weekend. If not then stick with the lower height.