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The sky grew dark with storm clouds. Two herds stood aggressively across from each-other. The lead stallions reared, signaling the start of the battle. A tall, dappled grey Thoroughbred mare rushed towards the lead stallion, who stood, cackling, in the middle of the battle. She kicked him off balance as she thought, I need to injure him. The stallion kicked her off, and she neighed loudly as she landed. Her heart grew heavy as the demons in her heart took the best of her. Angrily, the mare began to stand, teeth bared, eyes glinting in rage. She began to charge at the stallion, throwing him to the ground and using her sharp hooves to stab him in the belly. The dappled mare took her hoof off, and raced back into the battle. She knew not to fear, but now, her heart became normal, and she lashed her head around, searching for a new target. A silver blood bay foal was caught in her sight, and she charged at it. She kicked the stallions who had bullied it, and stood protectively over it. The foal whimpered as it lifted a leg, and she twisted her head as far as it would go to grab the foals mane. She dragged it gently over the ground towards the shady hollow.