(This is a story between a mare and a stallion. There is no beastieality in this.)
Secrets ran, not wanting to be caught. Her tail swayed with her gallop. Her ears were flat against her head. Rancher chased after her, swinging rope.
They had recently caught her and she finally jumped the fence when none were looking. She would have done it at night, but they gave her something to drink and then her legs were too heavy to move and eyelids closed and wouldn't open. She didn't have a choice whether to drink it or not. They would pour it down her throat if she didn't drink it.
Secrets focused on the task of getting away. She could wonder about the strange drink when she had time. Right now, she was a bit busy. Secrets continued before taking a sharp turn. She stopped, but when the ranchers got closer, Secrets reared up. They backed away, not wanting to get hit with her hooves. She could snap their spine at the right angle. One rope landed around her neck and others soon followed.
Secrets screeched as they pulled her. She tried to dig her hooves in, but found no hold. A whip cracked through the air, landing on her hindquarters. Secrets galloped forward, but the ropes held fast. "Hey! You got her?" A voice called out. Several 'ayes' followed. They rode their horses, dragging Secrets with them. "She gonna give us plenty foals, aye?" The voice from earlier laughed. Secrets burned with indignation. Just like before more 'ayes' followed. There were at least twelve ranchers, but that was a small amount compared to all of them. They brought her into a barn and pulled her into a stall. The roped looped off her neck and away. A man came forward.
He had dark skin and hair. He wore run down blue jeans with multiple holes, and a red flannel shirt. Dark blue eyes stared into her dark brown ones. "Yer a pretty one." he muttered and offered an apple. Secrets turned away, but glanced back at the apple. The rancher laughed and flung it into the air, walking away. The bright red fruit went in an arch and she caught it. Her tongue pulled it into her mouth and she chewed. A little voice spoke up. "Hey. I wanted that!" It came from the stall next to hers. Secrets looked through the slats at a little black and white foal. He had light blue eyes. His tired, speckled blue roan mother lay next to him. The roan hit him with her tail. "Cloud. That's enough." She muttered.
(Hi. After each chapter, please post what you think of that chapter and what I should change. You can also suggest characters!)

I love it Cheese! Maybe give some more descriptions of the environment.
(I will. thanks!) Secrets turned her head away from the mare and the foal. She looked around, wanting to get a feel for her containment. The walls were metal reinforced wood and the roof had wooden bars across the top. A hay loft held some hay that was damp, which probably meant there were leaks. Other horses filled the stalls, some were like the one next to her holding a mother and foal. Others held one. Except for some of the foals, all were female. She found it strange. The ranchers came with a bottle and approached her. The white around Secrets eyes showed as she backed up baring her teeth. Her rump bumped into the wall and she stared at it. One rancher held an apple, trying to coax her to the curved space that she could stick her head out. "Come mere girlie." he said. It was a different one from who first gave her an apple. He had light hair and dark eyes. His skin was darker than his companions beside him. He also had dirt caked under his fingernails. She tried to back farther away, but the wall held her there. Cloud was staring through the slats curiously before his mother pulled him away. Secrets could hear him complaining. A rancher pulled out a rope, and Secrets reared, she tried to pivot her head away and turn around, but her hoof struck the wall on her other side. The rope landed around her neck. Secrets dropped down and bucked, kicked the wall. The sound of her hooves and horseshoe hitting metal rang out. The wood muffled some of the sounds, but it got the other horses whinnying. The rancher that held the apple cursed and dropped it, pulling her closer with the rope. Chains tightened around her maw and forced it open, dumping the strange drink into her mouth. Some of it dribbled out so they pushed it more into her mouth so all fell down her throat.
The ropes and chains released her, but the medicine already kicked in. Her stall spun and she collapsed in the hay. She heard a ranchers last words. "Get the stallion to her tomorrow. Maybe she'll calm down after that."
Secrets woke up the mares whinnying eagerly. She groggily lifted her head and blinked a few times. The male foals were staring desperately. When the fae finally stood up she was staring too. A 19 HH stallion was being led down the aisle. Mares tried to get to him but the gate was blocking their way. Finally he stopped here and Secrets backed away, wrinkling her nose. "Hey." He said in a deep charismatic voice. "No." She growled, tail flicking nervously. He stared surprised but quickly got over it. "Oh come on, don't be like that. I'm Randy." he tried again, purring this time. "What's your name?" "My name is get the fuck out of my face." She thrust her head at him angrily, teeth bared and ears back. A top landed around her neck and the stallion stepped back so the ranchers could 'Guide' her out of her stable. "Oh great." She muttered and sat down. The rope pulled until she stood up. They were led out of the barn. Then Randy started to talk. "Y'know, most mares in there would die to be in your place right now." He said, tilting his broad head slightly. She glared at him. "I'm not most mares, and I find you revolting." She retorted back. Randy laughed. "No you are not. You do know you have no choice, right?" He asked, a bit of melancholy leaking into his voice. Secrets looked at him sharply. "What do you mean?!?" She asked. Randy shook his head slowly.
"They'll force you to have a foal. They breed us. Like animals." he said, looking at the oblivious ranchers with disgust. Secrets stared at them and Randy in horror. "No. I won't be used like that!" She growled. Randy looked at her. "There's not much you can do. But you're pretty and I'm really good looking. Our foals with look wonderful." He responded brightly. Secrets stared at him with a withering glare. "You don't get it, do you? I'M NOT GOING TO GET A FOAL!" She roared. The femme reared up, but the strong ropes yanked her down again. "Yeah. Good luck with that." He chuckled as they continued walking.

Good. Maybe just check all your spelling before you post. Just a thought!

Secrets laid in her stall, feeling betrayed. Randy had been right. The ranchers had forced her to carry a foal. But she couldn't love Randy. He was cocky, too sure of himself, a pain in the tail, handsome...
Secrets stopped her thoughts in surprise. Had she really been daydreaming about... RANDY?!?!?!?!?! Of all equines? Randy?
The mare next to her looked over the wall of her stall. "Stop trying to resist Randy. He's the best of the lot. And he fancies you. More than I." She added bitterly. Secrets looked at her. "You can have him." She responded and placed her head on the ground. For once... the weird drink wasn't needed for her to fall asleep. **Dream Sequence Commence** Secrets was running, hearing her herd run with her. There were no ranchers to worry about, just the open plain. She turned her head, to see her foal running alongside her. Its spindly legs were just strong enough to keep up. "Oh, my dear child." She murmured, and slowed down. Relief shown in its blue eyes. However, Secrets eyes hardened. "If you can't keep up, stay with your father." She hissed. Hurt passed over the foals' face... and then Secrets realized it had no face. Blood ran down its neck and body. "Don't be mean, mother. Randy won't want me... or you." The foal laughed cruelly, its voice turning into Randy's voice. "No!"

Rumble Team |