this is based on the far shorter version I had completeed for a school assignment (yes I tuerned it in, my teacher loved it, but was rather concerned) The King a 'novel' by LadyBird Estate Pale flakes of snow drifted slowly to the already carpeted ground.The whole country was in inches of snow which was usual for this time of year.For Russia anyway.Snow sounds nice when it is being walked on,I think that is something widely agreed upon,the sweet squeek and crunch as you step and compact the white substance.However,it cannot sounds nice if you cannot hear it,and you can barely hear when something as small as a rat steps on snow.This is rather benificial for him,being silent,especially when you know what his plans are.But of course I cannot tell you yet,that would spoil the story.Lets start from the beginning of the end. . The enemy stood at the gate,watching and listening for any minor change.Having litteraly millions of listening ears and ever watchful eyes makes this easy,but everything is easy when you have an army stront in the millions,is it not?. Wip Edited at June 25, 2020 06:22 PM by Ladybird Estate