Hello! I'm on the lookout for some new showing techniques >:D Post a link or description of your showing method down below! It can be another players showing guide or your own, but it doesn't matter, I want to hear it!
On my free accounts (where I show my small program by hand) I note ratings in the horse's name, which serves as a guideline for when I should start entering horses. Es and Ws can generally be shown by the end of their first month of training (5 training sessions), Ps get shown a week or two into their second month, and so on- each descending rating adding 1-2 weeks onto when I start showing them. On Mondays, I stick any horses placing 9th or higher the previous week back into shows. In addition to that, I check on any horses who leveled up 4 or 5 weeks ago, to check if they're ready to go back into shows (6*level bars in whatever discipline they're showing in). I show Monday- Dressage, Wednesday- XC, Friday- SJ, with a few exceptions. Horses with a single E rating are usually trained AD, unless their other ratings are S or less. If a horse has just leveled up in SJ (and is SD in SJ) I'll enter them into XC, and vice versa. But Dressage/XC I usually wait an additional week- except for when a horse is trained in SD XC and just leveled up in SJ- but isn't ready to go back to showing in XC. SD E horses generally go back in shows they specialize in 4 weeks after they last leveled up (and Es are the only horses that get slapped in SD, for me). Any horses that don't do well on Monday (or placed 10th-12th the previous week) take another week off showing. This also depends on ratings- if I have an EEP who didn't do well in Dressage, unless they're actually stronger in XC traits I just won't enter them in XC until after the horse starts placing in Dressage- and wait until they're placing well in XC before entering in J. If this is confusing I understand, but it works for me!
I show SD only, so this is how I do it. I enter at 4 weeks in their primary discipline and keep entering 3 times a week until they level in their primary discipline, usually week 7 or 8. Then for XC horses I enter J and for J horses I enter XC until they level in their secondary discipline, usually weeks 9 or 10. At week 12 I enter them in their primary discipline again, if they are in the money I enter until they level in their primary discipline, when they level in the primary discipline I enter them in the secondary discipline until they level in it. I repeat the cycle, usually it's only 2 weeks or so they are not in the money. Primary discipline is the discipline I show them in first, usually what they have an E in. Secondary discipline is what I show the in second, for XC horses it's J, for J horses it's XC, D horses don't have a secondary discipline. This is how I show, it works for me. I might be a little off on the weeks they level, but this is generally how I do it.
I do SD and I use BM, but when I don't have a premium I go by the color of the results in the showing tab. I start them when they're level 2 (wk 5/6 generally) and enter them in XC (my primary discipline), if they're green I'll enter them Mon/Wed/Fri until they're not, then I switch them to Jumping and repeat. When they're brown in both I'll wait three weeks before showing them again. I've got 26 geldings currently which are making me about 10k profit a night barring rider fees. I'm doing a big overhaul on my show barn though so this might change as I learn more. Hyrim Canyon has a great webpage about it here.