Hi, I'm a new stable just starting out and struggling a tad. Something I'd like to do is breed for colour- I really love pintos IRL and would like to do some here. So my question is- what horses, colour wise, do lots of people want to see. I'm sure everyone has a unique thought but I'm trying to get a feel of what majority of y'all would like to see. SO- if you'd be so kind could you just comment a few colours that you would bid on? Silver? brindle? Splash? Thanks so much everyone, it means a lot x
Trivia Team |
Lots of people are into splash and tobi. You can't breed for brindle so that wouldn't go well. Apricot, creme and pearl are popular base colors as well as dun I think. Roan is not popular and disliked by most players including myself because it's hard to avoid. Appaloosa and rabicano are popular but not as popular as splash and tobi. I think blanket appy may be the most popular? In all these are just my opinions and not fact, best to watch the market. Most color breeders or collecters go for rarity, 1 of 200 and lower. The lower that second number the better. Also to maximize profit try to breed for ratings as well as color PPP+. The rating of a color horse can drop the value by a lot. Be sure to check horse search in order to offer the best prices, if your horses are listed for much higher they will be looked over. But do be sure you know the value of your horses so you don't rip yourself off. And one last tip, if you are going to breed for certian colors or markings, be sure to read up on genetics!! Otherwise you will have a hard time getting what you want. Feel free to pm me for more help, I can send you genetic guide links. (: Edited at June 13, 2022 01:57 PM by Sweetwater Creek
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Some things to note: TBs and AAs can't be captured with Dun or Tobiano, making those patterns higher demand for those breeds since we can't get them from the wild anymore. Appaloosa is only available in KNNs, SHs, PONs, and ISHs. All breeds can carry PATN genes, but not Lp which is needed for Appaloosa to show. Sabino and Roan are the least desirable patterns as they have 'infected' the whole LB, top to bottom, so the market is overflowing with those patterns. Frame is lethal if a foal carries 2 copies, but frame can be popular depending on the breed. Breeding 2 Frame horses together is a 25% chance of lethal white and no foal. Same with Dominant White, White has the disadvantage of hiding other patterns underneath it, including Frame which can be lethal if bred to another Frame.
Wow thanks so much everyone! This is so helpful :)