I played for a year or two, and took a long break, just returning. All my horses are Pures. I was originally working on breed up SH Pures to get to E Ratings. MY QUESTION: is there any beeeders out there who had had any luck breeding strictly purebreds, and had any luck in breeding them to EEE ratings? If so, any working with SH? And no matter the breed, if you have made progress breeding up your herd of pures, DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS, or observations in doing only pures, and what pitfalls did you come across by sticking to strictly pures? IS IT POSSIBLE TO BREED PURES UP TO EEE RATINGS AND HIGHER ( WWW)? Feedback from you guys greatly appreciated! THANK YOU for reading and or commenting!

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Most HEE players do not care at all for "pure lines" as long as the outcome from a cross will be their intended breed. But as a KNN-only breeder I can tell you, that it is possible to breed up a pure breed to WWW without inbreeding from other breeds. It is way harder and lasts much longer, but it is possible. On the other hand I doubt that there are a lot of SH in the game without the influence of various top LB studs from the past in their lines. So maybe you should move to KNN or RID for your project, as they are the breeds ingame that have to be breed pure. Edited at November 27, 2022 04:45 AM by Kuewi knn stable
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Thank you Kuewi. I appreciate the info and input. While I understand your suggestion, I find it hard to take myself away from the SH as I play with that breed, because I like the pic? Or whatever you call it that represents the breed, to be visually pleasing. Lol. While the TBs, and Appendex are okay, I think the SH is the prettiest. I know, sophomoric..., but I admit that's why I stay with the breed. If I found the others to be more to my liking, I'd probably switch. And as a real horse person, I guess I have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to contaminate their lines with other breeds..., aside from TB. But that's the real equine world creeping in. Hard habit to break. I guess I'll keep playing as a rebel and keep working towards better ratings with the SH bred by myself. lol Personally I think it's an easy thing to just breed anything with anything...., more of a challenge to stick to pure lines and truly get a solid rated horse without diluting the lines just to hurry and get better ratings. But then, as a shower I guess that's what counts. Faster breeding, better and faster rating results, and better results in the ring. Guess I'm weird. Thank you for your kind reply!!

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At the end of a HEE horse lifetime, their earnings can be pretty much the same for each rating. I tested this long enough from sub to W ratings in the past 10 years. Overall I think that a good Superb makes the best show horses with a decent level up phase and a quite long time in the greens. Breeding here ingame is almost 99% leaderboard-based for those who try to breed for ratings. The pure breed factor is totally neglected, as long as the stud is in the top 15 ABLB and the outcome will meet the breed requirements from the breeders. This is what will make it really hard to find pure SH lines unless you will try to breed up with good rated captured horses in the first generation only. And I completely understand that you stick with SH just because of their optics ;)
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I've been successfully turning out EEE TBs. I culled aggressively to get there while trying to keep my Tobi lines. I've not had ABLB studs though. I do try to bring some of that blood in to improve my stock if I can afford it. Since I really only play because I need to fix my breeding horses obsession without producing real live horses, I've been minimally successful in the show ring as far as income, but if I pay attention to showing my homebred E and W babies clean up the showing in their later years. That said, holding on to my Tobi lines, and not being an aggressive shower defiantly limits how quickly I can advance my lines. I've been trying to breed a WWW for a while. At this point, I'm pretty sure I won't make that if I don't do some serious matching and maybe some Sven. Though I could be wrong about that, I do know this is geared toward showing more than breeding as the point.