I personally chose to breed warmbloods because their art is my favourite!
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I chose TB when I first signed up because I have worked with them for years in real life and I love them endlessly. My stables somehow got taken over by SH lol so here I am! However I do love appys so it worked out alight 🫶🏼
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TBs.. I was gifted a lovely WWW TB mare by a former player when they left. And that was it for me. I was in love with the community that surrounded them. They felt like a challenge, I was tired of the easy success with SH. WWWs didn't really mean anything with them. But TBs are really rewarding :)
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I liked the PON artwork. After having more of them in my barn than anything else they just stuck. I now enjoy all the fun coat colours and how they are not super popular like SH but not a hard breed to work with like KNN. I have tried side accounts for other breeds but nothing has stuck like my ponies
Honestly just random/artwork. I joined and had some ISH and SH and then sold my ISH off. I just like the art XD.
I am in love with the Arab art. It makes me happy :)
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I'm a TB person in real life, so that combined with the pretty arts made it a no brainer. Later on I fell in love with RID art, so I have an SA for those.
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Ive always loved the TB, WB and AA art over all the other art. But sometime last year i chose WB because i found it a fairly affordable and theres a handful on the ABLB. Plus one of my first ever EEE wb girls threw me a WWE girl and that must have been my first ever WWE on this account and that made me really happy and motovated to continue with them lmao. Hoping to get some TB into my barns now too though ^^
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