
Please don't post here if your stable isn't Hudie or Blue Diamond! You are welcome to read along, though! (NOTICE: THIS IS AN NSFW RP!)
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Character sheet Human Sheet: Full Name: Delilah Creek Nickname(Optional): Dee Gender: Female Age: 26 Skin - light tan Build - medium muscualrity, not very obvious, about 5' 9" Hair - brown with highlights in summertime Eyes - ice with grey flecks Piercings - ears Personality: loyal, snappy when upset, protective of her horse in threatening times. Parents/Family: Everyone except for brother died. Brother: Luke Creek, 29 and married Significant Other: WIP Crush: WIP Backstory: Was born to a single mother and grew up around horses. Never would have ever thought she would be working at a ranch so soon. Equine Registered Name: Too Fast Too Furious Barn Name/Nickname: Speed Age: 8 Gender: Mare Breed: Paint Horse Appearance (Please add a reference!): Horse Personality: happy, sassy, loyal, angry sometimes, typical mare things
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--- basic info --- ɴᴀᴍᴇ: kvothe cedar hartman. ᴀɢᴇ: twenty eight. ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: male. ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: rider.
--- physical appearance --- ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'5". ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: rich brown. ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: brown and gold. sᴋɪɴ: very tan. ғᴏʀᴍ: tall and toned with definition from hours of riding.
--- personality --- ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs: protective, hard working, dedicated. ɴᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs: arrogant, show off, perfectionist.
--- love life --- ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs: nothing after Rebekah. ᴄʀᴜsʜ: tba. ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ: none. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kvothe grew up in the outskirts of Manchester on his father's estate. An only child with divorced parents, his days consisted of tutoring sessions, riding lessons, fencing tournaments, and soccer practices. With the pressure of living up to his family's name constantly hanging over her head, and the eagle eye of his father's staff, Kvothe worked hard to improve himself as much as he could. He trained, studied, read, rode, ran, worked out, and just never stopped. He didn't have time to make friends, not that there were any kids around. He didn't have time to spend with family, not that they did either. He didn't have time to be a kid. Before he could realize what he was missing, he was already a young teenager. His family decided to send him to boarding school, were he quickly became established as 'the it guy'. He was head of the eventing team, assistant coached polo to the middle school students, competed in fencing, started in soccer, and kept straight A's. He was the kid that everybody wanted to hate, but just couldn't. Kvothe constantly wore this giant smile on his face and knew everybody by name. He was the kid who showed up every day, naturally looking fabulous, and just seemed to get what was being taught in class. He simply excelled in everything he tried. For Kvothe, life was perfect. Everything was a game, a competition, and he was winning. At the time he had a steady girlfriend, basically the female version of him. Rebekah rode polo, played field hockey, was captain of the tennis team, and his only real competition for valedictorian. What you have to understand about being perfect is this: no matter how much it looks like it, it doesn't come easily. Not to anyone. Perfection comes from years of hard work, high pressure, and micromanaging yourself until you cannot make mistakes. It's nearly impossible to obtain and absolutely impossible to uphold, that's why almost nobody appears 'perfect.' Rebekah couldn't take the pressure. She cracked. After Rebekah's death, his father wanted him to finish his last year at boarding school, graduate valedictorian, go to Oxford, and then take over the family's businesses. However, his mother in America reached out, wanting to have Kvothe come to Texas and spend a year away from the pressure he was under in England. She was worried if everything continued as it was, her son would follow his girlfriend's footsteps. Although her father didn't like the idea, he relented with the assurance that Kvothe would still return to England for college. Kvothe never wanted to move to America. He wasn't close to his father, but didn't know his mother any better, and all of his friends were still at boarding school. He had become less chipper after Rebekah's death, but was still working as hard as ever, determined to be everything the two of them had wanted to be together. Despite maintaining his perfectionist attitude, he knew that he wasn't going to do what Rebekah did... so he's ultimately not enthused to be shipped off to Texas, a place he had never been to before and nearly the opposite of Manchester. His only consolation is that his mother owns a ranch, so he can bring his horses with him. In reality, they're more his family than anyone related to him by blood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pas de Deux (a dance for two) Deux is a bay, eight year old Andalusian stallion that was given to Kvothe by his trainer, Phillip, when the horse was only two years old. Kvothe was taking dressage lessons on trained horses at the same time he was training Deux, and with Philip's help the stallion grew to be responsive, obedient, and able. Deux has a good trot and walk, but in a dressage test he really shines in his canter. The stallion has the muscle for the more complicated dressage moves and is all in all a very good mount, but Kvothe knew from the start that he wasn't cut out for eventing. Instead, Deux is kept solely for dressage: both to show and to keep Kvothe sharp to the more fine tuned and difficult maneuvers in the discipline. The stallion is very friendly and stands at the front of his stall like a puppy dog, seeking out affection from everybody walking by. He is a sucker for apples or some time hand grazing and overall has a very sweet demeanor. His only vice is a tendency to get behind the leg in the trot, but he makes up for it with his flawless frame. Appearance Calypso Cal is a buckskin, seven year old akhal teke mare that Kvothe got when she was four years old. When he got her, she had only a few months under the saddle in basic training, but Kvothe saw right away that she had potential for cross country. Her akhal teke conformation is far from popular among dressage judges, but her incredible stamina and gazelle like jump have her flying across the longer cross country courses and acing the wide jumps. Cal has an enormous amount of heart and Kvothe just has to barely close his leg for her to go flying out across the green, ears held forward as she excitedly waits for the next jump. He's tries stadium jumping with the mare, but her heart isn't in it, so Kvothe made the ultimate decision to keep her just for cross country. Even if he only admits it to himself, Cal is one of his favorites because there's no feeling more freeing than galloping her down a cross country course. He doesn't have to worry about getting everything perfect, he can just let himself truly find joy in the riding. Cal's vice is licorice and she's an angel in cross country, but prone to severe misbehavior like rearing and kicking when other horses get to close. She's sweet to Kvothe, don't get me wrong, but she'll nip at strangers and doesn't get along with other horses. Appearance Maiden of Gold Mai is a seven year old, cremello, KWPN mare. She's a rather nervous horse with a tendency to spook on the cross country course and overbridle herself when doing dressage, but something about the showjumping ring just brings out the best in her. If you have leg to the fences, she'll jump the moon for you and take any distance you ask (if you don't have leg, she'll scramble to a stop or rear). Mai is sweet, if not timid, and a complete scaredy cat... but when her rider gives her confidence, she could win a puissance. Kvothe got Mai when she was four years old and started over fences, but her previous owners had been abusive and it took months for Kvothe to relay the basics before he could even bring the cremello back to jumps. She'll do anything for a sugar cube and will happily follow you around while you put jumps away, just stay calm and quiet around her to keep Mai in your pocket. Kvothe loves her because he knows that she feels safe with him around, and he likes being the source of that security. Although her dirty stops can happen when there isn't leg on, Mai aces tight turns, jumping high from any speed, and her sheer physical ability. Appearance The Rascal King Rascal is a six year old thoroughbred and paint cross. He doesn't have a fine breeding line stretching back for miles with a list of grand prix relatives. He's a nurse mare foal that was lucky to survive and lucky to find Kvothe. Kvothe broke him under saddle, expecting for the young colt to be a project horse he would eventually sell. Instead, the mutt horse aced every single challenge thrown his way. His conformation is solid, especially after all of the topline work Kvothe put into him, and his gaits are all floaty. He listens well in dressage and accepts the bit nicely. In cross country, he loves to run and has to be held back to the logs. The water doesn't phase him and Rascal aces banks. In stadium jumping, Kvothe just has to keep him from getting too forward and ride out the playful bucks that the stallion would toss his way after a long spot. Rascal is playful, strong as iron, and the underdog who proved himself to be the best. He's Kvothe's angel and show horse, the only one that does all three sports and is a true eventer. Rascal cannot stand to ever be in a stall (if you put him in one he'll rear and throw fits), but he'll always come running when he sees you by the pasture fence. At the price of a carrot, he'll stand quietly (mostly) at the cross ties. Always ready to work and always with a bit of spunk, Rascal has too much character for you to not love him. Appearance Edited at November 5, 2024 05:35 PM by Hudie

Delilah's truck rumbled through the archway that read, 'Rose Ranch' with a calf and a dog herding it above the words. Guess this is the place. She slowly drove into a space that looked like an open spot. She turned off the truck, and went to take her horse out. Delilah walked around to the back and unlocked the long gooseneck, walking in and grabbing her horse. "C'mon sweetheart. We have to get out now." She said to Speed. She turned the mare around inside the spacious trailer, and walked her out. As she walked out she saw another truck and large trailer pulling into the ranch. Huh. Maybe another ranch-hand. She tied Speed to the side of the trailer, and went to get her horse's stable blanket and a treat. Once her horse was 'dressed', she gave her the treat saying, "Good girl, Speed. It's a new place, so take in the whole thing. I'll be right back." Delilah walked confidently into the office of the ranch and said, "I'm here for the job of a ranch-hand? Who should I speak to about where to put my horse and my stuff?" A tall and muscular man walked out from around a corner and said, "That would be me, ma'am. My name is Jake. You must be Delilah? Here is your map of the ranch and your first instructions." He handed her a sheet of paper. "Where should I put my horse?" She asked, confused. "Just put her where her nameplate is on the stall. She has hay and grain given to her twice per day and a treat depending on the severity of work that day. Food for you has also been handled and will be in your room." He said, pointing to a space on the map. "Third room down on your left. I should get back to work now." With a wave, he walked back to where he had been working on the computer in an office. Well, that was a lot. She thought, walking outside to her horse once more. She led Speed into the barn and put her in the stall that had an engraved wood sign that read, 'Too Fast Too Furious' with roses as a border. That is so pretty. She thought. Delilah walked back to the trailer after putting Speed in the stall, and unloaded her tack and suitcases.
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Kvothe sat in the passenger seat as his driver drove into the ranch's entrance. He did not want to be here, but his mother owned it, so it was better than going to an unknown stables. When the car stopped, he got out and had some of his mother's stable hands help him with his four horses and leading them into the barn. Kvothe led Mai, as she did not trust anyone else to handle her besides Kvothe, while two other stable hands led Deux, Rascal, and Cal into their stalls. Kvothe then unloaded all his gear along with the horses' gear. He handed his suitcases over to the stablehands to put into his room, which his mother had already prepared for him. Kvothe noticed another in the barn as well, a woman with brown hair. "Hello" he greeted her with a nod before going and putting Mai into her stall, put on her turquoise blanket, and closed the latch. He then brushed off his riding trousers and sighed. Edited at November 5, 2024 06:06 PM by Hudie

Delilah turned, not recognizing the horses or people. "Hi." She said, blushing. No way. Why is he so HOT? She quickly walked out and unloaded her stuff into her room. Then, she read her first task. To seperate the bull out of the pasture that had expecting cows. Great. Sorting already. She pulled Speed out of her stall and began to tack up.
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Kvothe watched as the girl immediately walked out of the barn after returning his greeting. That was peculiar. What did he do? Puzzled, Kvothe turned and walked out of the barn. He went to the task board, reading under his name. He had to test the cross country course. He went back into the barn and spotted the same girl there again. "Fancy seeing you again" he says, shooting her a smile. He then led Deux out of his stall and tacked him up before leading him out to the course.

Delilah blushed a deep red and said, "Yeah, you too. I'm Delilah by the way. One of the new ranch-hands. And you are?" She waited for his response. When it came she said, "I'm going out to sort the bull, Tank, out of the expecting cows herd and into his own bull-pen. A little help would be nice?" She hoped it didn't sound too confusing....
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"I am Kvothe" he greets her, extending his hand in offer for a handshake greeting. "I don't have experience with western riding" he admits. "I could try to help you, though I don't know if I'd be any help"

He shakes her hand as he explains. "You're...english....and working at a ranch?" She asks, confused. Will you come for companionship? Please?"
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