
This is strictly a 1 x 1 Roleplay between Imperial Warmbloods and Blue Diamond. Do not post if your name is not in the title; comments can be made through PMs. Feel free to read along!
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Full Name: Caleb Hunt Nickname(Optional): Caleb Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes with golden flecks near pupil. Skin - light tan Build - medium muscualrity, not very obvious, about 5' 9" Hair - brown with highlights in summertime Eyes - ice blue with golden flecks Piercings - none Personality: loyal, snappy when upset, protective Parents/Family:Mother: Katie Hunt, 46, divorced. Brother: Luke Hunt, 29 and married Significant Other: None. Crush: None Backstory: Caleb grew up with divorced parents and an abusive home from the beginning. He never knew who his father was, and he doesn't want to know now. He rides a beautiful APH mare named Splash. Caleb went to compete in rodeos to get away from his family and his past. Equine ~ Registered Name: CH Coveted Waterfall Barn Name/Nickname: Splash Age: 8yr Gender: Mare Breed: Pintaloosa Appearance: Appearance a blood bay tobiano/snowflake pintaloosa Tack Style: Western/roping Personality: Sassy, loyal Parentage/Lineage: From-Son Of A Gun (Imp) Out of- Ima Sparkle O Lena Sire: Son Of A Gun (Imp) Dam:Ima Sparkle O Lena Offspring(Optional): One foal. Deceased. History(Optional): Rescue from neglectfull owner Lent/Owned: Owned Other:None Edited at January 5, 2025 11:45 AM by Blue Diamond
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∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OCs Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Name: Myra Taylor Age: 22 years Height: 5`4 Gender: Female Hair: Wavy, light brown chest-length hair Eyes: Hazel Skin: Light Tan Body shape: Slender and thin, yet muscular Tattoo(s)/Piercing(s): Small, golden hoops in each ear Personality: Egotistic, Snarky, Incredibly Determined, and Meticulous Discipline: Barrel Racing (Primary) and Pole Bending (On the Side) Other: N/A Lover: N/A Background(optional): N/A ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Horse Registered Name: Read Em` and Sweep Em` Barn Name: Adonis Gender: Stallion Breed: American Quarter Horse Age: Five years Height: 16.3 Hands Discipline: Barrel Racing (WPRA Futurity Qualifier) Personality: Fiercely Independent, Competitive, Diligent, and Hardworking Tack color(if any): Neutral Colors (Black, White, Grey) Background(optional): Adonis comes from a steady line of successful AQHs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Caleb loped Splash around the edge of the warm-up arena, taking deep breaths. It was their first rodeo back since last season, and Caleb hadn't had the time to train up with his mare. He patted Splash's neck and kept loping around the edge until his name was called to the arena. Calf tying. He walked an antsy Splash over to the rope and got his lasso ready, nodding when he was prepared. He quickly achieved the goal of first place and jogged his mare out to cool down in the warm-up arena once more. He smiled as the final results came through and placed him on top of overall ropers. He patted Splash's neck one more time before retreating to the trailer and untacking. He groomed out all the depp scarlet spots on his mare, smiling at her unique patterns as he placed the cooler sheet on her. He put her loose in the trailer and placed a full hay net in front of her, Splash nickering to him and munching on it.
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Myra Taylor was known for constantly appearing at rodeos sporadically around town, competing at some and accompanying competitors at others. Today, she was accompanying her younger sister Lily to this one, which was something she had not deemed exciting; Lily had persuaded their parents to even let her use Adonis, making it worse. Myra was silent as she observed her sister on the gorgeous stallion, internally making notes and occasionally clicking her tongue in disappointment. When it came to the two of them, Myra was more talented when it came to anything involving horses. Adonis was behaving today, listening intently to verbal and physical cues from Lily; he was usually very picky with whoever he let on his back, yet it seemed like he decided to like Lily for once.
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sorry, was eating lunch) Caleb cleaned his tack and glanced around, curious at the crowd and other competitors. He saw a glimpse of a younger girl riding a tall, handsome stallion around the warm-up arena and smiled. The woman watching the girl, though, didn't seem too happy from her tense posture and slight glare. He chuckled to himself, blowing it off as sibling rivalry. His eyes sought out the woman on their own accord, noticing her beauty.
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(No worries, <3. Been afk a ton myself, xd) Myra waited patiently until Lily rode Adonis towards her, the stallion nickering as he reocnized his actual owner. With a smile, she reached a hand to stroke his outstretched muzzle while Lily gave his withers a soft pat. ``He`s doing pretty well,`` Lily commented as she met her sister`s intense gaze, smiling sheepishly. Myra only shrugged in response before she leaned back and folded her arms across her chest. ``It`s his job to be doing well,`` she replied while Lily rolled her eyes and eased the stallion into a walk in the opposite direction. ``Remember, he prefers the left.`` ``Yeah, yeah.. I know, Myra,`` Lily called back with a dissmissing wave of her hand. Myra trusted her sister with Adonis, even if she lacked the skill that most of his occassional riders had; he was meant for high-scale competitions, not ones that were as easy as these regarding Barrel Racing. Adonis had earned himself a name in the Barrel Racing world, even if Myra had barely made one for herself. It would take time, of course. Rather suddenly, she felt a stare on her, causing her to look around before she spotted him: a man with brown hair and stunning blue eyes. Myra blinked once before turning away, wanting to pay attention since Lily would run out on Adonis soon.
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Caleb heard the names of the next event starting and chuckled again at the woman as she looked at him. He nodded politely to her before going back to his tack. He placed it away and walked to the rail, watching the events. He wanted to say hi to the woman, but was honestly scared to in case she thought him a creep or wierdo. He watched with expert eyes as the barrel racers and pole benders competed. When all the events were done, he went to refill Splash's water before putting on a sweatshirt and setting up a fire ring beside his trailer. He grabbed a beer and listened around him at the other rodeo goers as the moon slowly rose and the sun dissappeared
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Lily had done a successful run, Adonis and his expertise earning them a rather easy first place. Since Lily was not the most responsible of people, it was Myra`s job to tend to Adonis; she would much rather spend time with the stallion than anything else. She was quiet as she guided him towards their trailer, the `Taylor` last name written in cursive across both sides. With ease, she started to untack the stallion, ensuring he had plenty of water and hay throughout the entire process. Occasionally, she would spot Lily flirting with someone, which was not surprising; the poor girl wanted love so desperately in her life. Once Myra was finished, she didn`t bother to go inside the truck, remaining outside on the earthy ground as she sat beside Adonis. She spent most of her time with him, practically glued to his side. The stallion did not mind, his ears pointed towards her in an indication he was paying most of his attention on her. Myra liked to think the two of them were highly attuned to each other.
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Caleb watched the woman curiously, following her as she tended to the stallion. He was a pretty one, and she seemed to treat him like it as well. He was torn between talking to her and not, but eventually decided to go see her. He was still entirely sober, so he wouldn't say anything crazy or wierd. He stood up with a sigh, already nervous. He glanced at the fire, contimplating for a moment, even second-guessing his decision. He sighed again and strode over to the woman, smiling softly at her. "Hey. This your stallion? I'm Caleb." He said, hands in his pockets
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