
This is strictly a 1 x 1 Roleplay between Imperial Warmbloods and NightClan. Do not post if your name is not in the title; comments can be made through PMs. Feel free to read along!
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Name: Sage Acker Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Straight Age: 20 D.O.B: March 15th Appearance: Messy black hair that falls over his eyes & down past his shoulder blades (he uses it to kinda hide behind & often has it up in a bun revealing the undercut beneath the long hair), golden amber eyes, Somewhat short (5'5''), very tan skin since he spends most of his time outside, lots of scars but the most obvious one is across his right cheek, slim and light build (but powereful; he has the body type of peak athletic performace despite being smaller), Although he's slim he's still muscular (more refined than bulky), gives off an air of power and/or menace, has a low voice that is quiet and scratchy, he normally wears some form of black jeans and a tshirt (with a hoodie if it's cooler temperatures). He also has ears that end in a pointed tip, a result of his mother being a forest nymph. This comes wtih heightened senses and the ability to know where North South East and West are, as well as various instincts that help him survive in the outdoors (He doesn't have any large powers like controlling plants or anything like that, though) Scars: He has plenty of them. One on his right cheek, one across his chest, an abundance of scars on his back and legs from his father's belt, and other smaller ones scattered across his body Piercings - He has lots of pericings. A small silver lip ring on the center of his lower lip, black and silver chain/arrow looking things on his right ear, and plenty of other small silver earrings to fill in the rest of the holes if he feels like it Jewelry: The only jewelry besides his piercings he wears is his dog tags from his time in the marines Tattoos: He has plenty of these too. Dragon wings on his shoulder blades, a skull made of smoke on his right forearm, and a viking rune behind his left ear (it stands for courage in battle). He also has two solid bands around his right bicep area (a tradition of his ancestors, one for his younger sister who's now dead and another for his best friend in the army, who died in combat in the same battle he was injured in). Other: He has a prosthetic arm/hand (his left), a result of a land mine. It took his arm off just above his elbow. The prostetic was made to look real, and functions like a normal hand, so not many people notice the difference, especially when he wears long sleeves (which is most of the time) Personality: Hot-headed (he often gets hurt or in trouble because of it), he's very untrusting so he doesn't like to accept help, he gets flashbacks (mostly from his father and stepmother, who he doesn't get along with & the war he was a part of) from his past which affects him greatly in a very negative way. He often comes across as rude/cold/uncaring, but in reality he's just afraid of getting hurt again by people who were supposed to be there to support him. Once you've earned his loyalty though, there's nothing he won't do for you. He is extremely loyal, to a fault, and has continued bad relatinships in the past for too long because of it. He's also definitely the most sarcastic and impulsive piece of shit you'll ever meet, lol. Likes: Art (painting/drawing), music/singing, nature, anything physical (helps get his mind off of the war and of his past) Dislikes: Loud noises (Because PTSD), crowds, people who think they're better than everyone else, small spaces (claustrophobia, due to his father's punishments of being locked in a closet as a kid) Relationship Status: Single Crush: None at the moment Exes: Amy Harper: he dated Amy for a while in high school, and stayed with her even though she treated him terribly becasue he felt like he had to stay. He only escaped her when he went into the marines and she soon enough found some other victim once he was out of the picture. Familial Relations/Family tree: Bruce Acker: His father, alive Victoria Acker: Stepmother, Alive Emma Acker: Mother, Deceased Elizabeth (Liz) Acker: Younger sister, Deceased BACKSTORY: Sage grew up in a happy, very wealthy household. It stayed this way until he was around nine, when his mother died. His father grieved after that, becoming angrier and angrier no matter what Sage did. That made his life bad enough for years. Then his father married Victoria. She moved in, and took a liking to Sage right away (and not in a good way). This made life even worse, and no matter what sage did he couldn't escape. He tried everything, and even now has a smoke in his hand pretty often, a habit he never could get rid of. He started drinking too, soemthing that followed him up through his life. The moment he turned of age, he joined the marines, and spent two years fighting in the Middle East. One day, during a battle, he was wounded by a land mine and died. He was reincarnated, but without any memory of his past life, including his lover at the time. Theme Songs: Train Wreck by James Arthur Labour (idk who made it lol) The Emptiness Machien by Linkin park Theme Quotes: Sometimes even the devil on my shoulder asks 'what the fuck are you doing'. You compared me to an animal and were still surprised when I attacked. Did you forget that beasts have claws and teeth? I'm not totally useless. I can be used as a bad example. Scars are the marks of a fighter who didn't just give up and die. Other: He makes sure he is always armed, a habit of being in a war. He had his conceal to carry, as well as a knife he's had for years on him at all times. He also has picked up the bad habit of chewing on his lips and nails when nervous, to the point of bleeding. He doesn't really rememebr anything either, which doesn't help with the nerves. If there's anything else you want me to add lmk :)
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(Character pulled from different RP; Editing things occasionally.) ♡ ∩_∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ⋆☽ Polaris Astria ☾⋆ ``Oh the irony of it all...`` ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Primary Information Name: Polaris Astria Pronounciation: Pole-a-ris Ass-tree-a (I giggled, xd) Alias(es): None Sobriquet(s): ``Ari`` or ``Polar`` Age: Unknown (High Fae [ACOTAR type]) Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual - Hesitant towards Relationships/Romance Job/Occupation: Military Medic/Healer (Approximate) Height: Five feet and three inches (Approximate) Weight: 120 pounds Overall Appearance: She is incredibly slender and lithe, having a build similar to that of her mother. Her hair, which is a silvery blonde, cascades a few inches past her chest whilst her eyes resemble a light blue hue. Adjunct(s): Her ears are pierced with minuscule silver hoops while her neck is adorned with a necklace. Outfit Aesthetic: Altough she prefers comfort over all else, she still wears clothing fitting for someone of her status. Her clothes are typically of neutral color, ranging from white and biege to black and brown. When it comes to formal events and attire, she does not hesitate to flaunt her body. Voice/Intonation: Her voice is smooth and melodic, sometimes referred to as soothing as birdsong in the morning. She speaks eloquently and carefully, taking the time to consider her words and phrasing. Furthermore, it emphasizes her quiet and shy nature. Alternate Information Stars represent her view of their relationship; 5 being perfect. Father (★☆☆☆☆): He is often absent in her life since he prioritizes his businesses and trades relating to the ongoing conflict. It is on rare occasions that they interact and they are often filled with tension and crude insults; neither of them have ever gotten along with each other. It was because of him she discarded all her ties to the royal family and embarked on her own. Mother (★★★★☆): She is the only person she considers herself close with. Her mother shows her kindness and compassion, even if her father disagrees with her gentle parenting methods. Former Spouse (★★★★★): She loved him with all of her heart and his death had torn her heart to shreds It was such an incredibly difficult situation in her life, so it was no surpire that she swore to never become engaged in combat again; she resorted to taking on a healer role instead Sibling(s) (N/A): None; She is a single child. Fighting Style: She is never fighting up close, keeping long to mediocre distances between herself and her targets. Rarely, she engages in battle due to having given up such violent ways for a while now. Personality Overview [Introverted] [Meticulous] [Attentive] [Unpredictable] [Elusive] [Eloquent] [Analytical] [Unsure] [Sheepish] Placeholder Likes: She prefers the peace and quiet she finds when she is alone within the confines of her room, indulging in the pleasures of reading or painting. The sounds of rain pattering against windows and the distant sounds of thunder work side-by-side to assist in calming her anxiousness whenever it arises. She is considered a haunted soul, someone that struggles with her psyche, so it is no surprise that these things bring her comfort. Dislikes: Chaotic and loud environments are the primary aspects she shies from, both of them the polar opposites of what she prefers. She also does not enjoy being put on the spot, wanting as much time as possible to make decisions or share her opinions.
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Awesome! Do you want to start so I can sort of get a feel of how the medic place is set up?
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Of course! It may take me a bit to get a post up, but hopefully not too long, :)
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You're all good! I have another lab tonight so I won't be on until a bit later anyway. Tues/weds are my lab days and then afternoons are open after that btw
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Gotcha! For me, my labs are Wednesdays and Fridays. The rest of my week is basically all lectures and work, lol.
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For decades, which had truly felt like centuries, a raging conflict between two neighboring territories has unfolded and persisted in worsening as time progressed. The rulers that governed each had often conversed about potential peace treaties, yet it was always to no avail; one would back out and taunt the other, claiming only a fool would surrender in such trivial and difficult times. Citizens and mere wanderers all secretly believed that the rulers simply needed to acknowledge that there was a limit and a line that should never be crossed when it came down to war and the methods/strategies used, but that line had been crossed and eradicated. There is no sense of morality or even respect when it comes to this war, the Great War as some refer to it as. If only power was not such a sought out and corruptive thing, perhaps maybe this very war would have ended by now. - Polaris Astria, a High Fae that was once a royal now reduced to nothing more than a comon healer, was an unfortunate, haunted soul. Once upon a time, life had been blissful and exciting, warm and brimming with the joys of love and companionship. The war had taken everything from her, even if it were to be expected from her former position in the military itself; she had been involved in multiple killings and missions, accompanying her lover in all of them. He had been deceased for quite a while now, the memory of him stumbling across a mine imprinted within her memory and mind. It often haunted her dreams and thoughts, as if she could never have a respite from the pain and suffering that single event caused. She had resorted to helping wounded soldiers and citizens to avoid ever seeing such a scene again. - Polaris was sauntering down the winding halls of the minature, makeshift hospital that resided miles upon miles from the primary warzone. Her hair was free from its usual confines of a bun, the curles bouncing slightly as her bright, blue eyes darted to and fro. There were multiple nurses wandering these very halls as well whilst numerous injured individuals lay in beds that lined the walls, constant beeping a result of the machines and a persistent reminder that they truly had no control over who survived and who died from their wounds. Life really was a cruel thing, yet every living being had to endure it and be positive despite all the negative. -
Unlike other nurses and doctors, Polaris was often assigned to the more severe and complicated cases, whether it be the wound itself or the individual. Some soldiers were aggressive and refused treatment, but her sweet talking was usually more than enough to get them to cooperate; it annoyed her deep down, especially when she would rather be quiet and simply do her job. Her eyes darted downwards to look over the clipboard and the papers she had been given, a frown crossing her features for a brief moment. Today was going to be yet another busy one, yet it was to be expected at this point; the war was worsening and, consequently, the numbers of people admitted would increase substantially as well. Polaris believed this whole war was stupid, which was precisely why she had separated herself from her parents all those years ago.
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Sage woke in the middle of nowhere. His eyes fluttered open, as if waking from some kind of deep sleep. He would have felt well rested, except for the fact that the woods he had woken up in were currently full of the clashing of weapons. His senses woke before his brain, though the gunshots and yelling and a metallic scent of blood so heavy he could nearly taste it caused him to jerk awake and rise to his feet. His hand found the machine gun next to him, holding it up to point it wildly around, ears flattening against his head as the noises seemed to overwhelm him . Where was he? What the hell was going on? He didn't even know which side to shoot at. It was rather pathetic really. He moved to his back was against a tree, doing his best to blend into his surroundings. A small metal clank bit against his gun, and he lifted the necklace he was wearing to where he could see them. Dog tags. His dog tags, apparently. Sage. That was his name. And he was supposed to be on the side of whatever group was listed on the tags. Well, that answered a few question, though he still had a gazillion more. He was jerked out of his thoughts as bullets sprayed the tree next to him, and he automatically moved to raise the gun and shoot whoever it was that had attacked him. Well, at least he knew who to aim for. He wasn't sure how long the battle went on, but it was long enough for someone to land a decent hit, bullets spraying his side. He had passed out pretty quickly after that, but apparently someone had gotten him to a makeshift hospital, since that's where he woke again later, bandages wrapped around his torso and various wires and tubes attached to his body. He panicked, a little bit, though he wasn't quite sure why. He shot up, ignoring the immediate pain in his side, shoving the current nurse aside as he reached to pull the wires out of his arm. Before his sluggish, still half drugged brain could catch up though, she'd called for backup and four other nurses had run in, pinning him down and fixing the tubes he'd yanked out. He felt a small prick in his neck, and shot the nurse who's stuck him with the needle a glare. He could feel his body relaxing, though not because he was trying to relax. He fought against the power of the drug, every cell in his body screaming not to let them do anything. Not to let this drug, whatever it was, knock him out. But it was a loosing battle, no matter how much adrenaline his panicked brain pumped into his body. Edited at February 20, 2025 09:58 AM by NightClan
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An elongated sigh slipped past Polaris` lips as she finished skimming through the documents of the soldiers she had the honor of tending to today, a fragment of her already dreading the possibility of dealing with an uncooperative patient. She knew that it was understandable for them to act panicked and fiesty, but it never lessened the reality of how difficult it made everything. The moment she looked up from the papers she held was also the moment when one of her fellow nurses, Adeline, bounded towards her, panting and clearly dealing with a stressful situation. Polaris had been on the verge of asking what was troubling her before the woman beat her to it. - ``There are so many rowdy ones today,`` Adeline began as she crouched down to catch her breath, her brown hair concealing her features from Polaris` view. Out of all the nurses that worked here, Adeline was the most gentle and patient, so it was not a good sign at all that she was stressing and fretting this much; it was a bad omen, to be honest. ``Can you help us with one of the ones in Row Seven?`` - Without a word, Polaris nodded as she moved past Adeline and headed directly towards the row of beds she had mentioned. She had barely made a few steps forward when she heard the commotion that was unfolding, her heart clenching at the sounds of yelling and arguing. The thing that pained her the most about the whole situation was the undeniable fact that the soldiers were simply confused and disoriented, perhaps even misunderstood by the nurses that were tending them. She knew how hard it was to deal with them when they were like this, especially with her experience with her lover; he had always been a pain in the ass when she tried to bandage and tend to his wounds, telling her that he was fine over and over again although it was an obvious lie. - Polaris frowned when she saw the nurses struggling with a certain patient, wishing she could assist them. However, Adeline had told her to tend to an alternate one further down the row; he was sitting upright and clearly on the verge of losing his composure. For a brief moment, she had caught a glimpse of the one that was the main focus of all of the nurses, her heart clenching at the sight of the individual; he looked so familiar yet like a stranger all at once. She shook her head rapidly to clear the thought and the emotions it had evoked, continuing onwards until she reached the soldier`s bedside. - (Incredibly sorry for the delay. Also, I apologize for the lack of quality; I have not written in a hot minute, xd. I will try my utmost best to be more active, <3)
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