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Forums > Roleplay > Semi-Literate
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A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) December 5, 2020 03:07 AM

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Plot: Texas, 1885, The Red Rustler Ranch had finally opened after a year of hard work, right outside of the quaint town called Austin. This ranch was made to perfectly suit the capture and containment of huge herds of wild horses, varying all of colors and breeds, to break and train, either to become calm, strong work horses, or brave, fearless companions to carry his/her rider wherever they wish.

This time was harsh, droughts often plagued the state, causing every living thing to fight for the small amount of food that was available. No wild horse or animal was safe from mankind, either being captured for work, or hunted for food. Settlement was taking over the land and man was marking his territory quickly. Will you become man and show your strength, or will you become a wild unbreakable mustang and fight for your freedom?

Red Rustler Ranch: This huge ranch sits on a vast prairie of dry grass and rolling hills. 100 empty stalls await the arrival of wild horses in the main barn as well as plenty of tack and storage rooms, equipped with everything a cowboy could want in the old west. Outside lay many fenced enclosures for seperating and organizing the broncos that the cowboys round up.

Man: Should you choose to become a human, your job is simple to say the least. You were hired by the owner of Red Rustler Ranch to live and work there as a cowboy/girl. You must go out as a group and round up a herd of wild horses, bring them back, and break them. Sound easy enough right? Well not when those horses are a 1000 pound being that is probably extremely scared or angry that you are trying to tame them and will do anything to get you off and away from them. When you aren't trying to tame the wild horses, your tasks around the ranch can consist of, farming, cleaning the stalls, hunting for your fellow cowboys dinner, or patrolling the surrounding areas to make sure no horses are escaping or any predators are coming in.

Man Rules:
. No godmodding, injuring or killing someone without permission, ect. ect.
2. Romance is allowed but only femalexmale.
3. If you want to break a horse, you need to ask them once. If you're unsuccessful in the first attempt, then you do not need to ask them to try again.
4. Be realistic in breaking/taming, don't be glued to the saddle if they're bucking, or don't have a 50 foot lasso that can snag any horse.
5. When taming a horse, if you want to name it, you can choose the horses actual name, or pick your own.

The Wild: Away from civilizations lay rolling hills and sparse forests filled with wild animals of all kinds. It may seem like a dream for grazing animals, endless grass and no predator in sight. But beware, no land is free of danger. Maybe it'll be the many poisonous snakes, or the packs of coyotes that roam at night, ready to snatch away any sleeping foals. But most likely it'll be the unbearable sun, beating down against the herds, drying the mouths of every creature that dare walk underneath the rays. Water is rare in the wild, but humans seem to have plenty of it stored away. Will you give in to the humans or stay out in the treachorous wild?

Horse: Should you choose to be one with nature and be a horse. You will be in a herd consisting of many others, all fighting for survival out in the wild. But be warned, a greater threat then mother nature is lurking about. Man is coming for you, so you better be prepared.

Horse Rules:
1. Romace is allowed, but only malexfemale.
2. No godmodding, ask before injuring or killing someone else, keep it realistic, if a human is trying to capture or break you, don't always win or get away.
3. Horses are fight or flight creatures, they are naturally scared of new things. Be wary and cautious of the humans at first.
4. If a human wants to break you, they must ask you once, if they fail on the first attempt, then they do not need to ask you again to try again.
5. If you do get tamed, you do not have to listen to your rider all the time. You can make it realistic by not wanting to ride through a river, or getting spooked by a gunshot in the distance.

More Info: You can be on one "side" or both, it doesn't matter. This RP takes place in 1885, Texas. Things were very different back then. There were no cars, phones, fridges, ect. Speech was also different, so if you would like to research it a bit, that'd be awesome, but you don't have too. Also woman and animals weren't treated fairly back then, so try and keep that in mind. Lemme know if you have any questions in the discussion thread. I'm probably forgetting a few things as this is my first RP I'm making so please bare with me.

Sign Ups: Sign Ups
Discussion: Discussion

This thread is open and sign ups are still open as well!

Edited at March 27, 2021 11:19 AM by Glass Tears
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) March 27, 2021 11:23 AM

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Day 1

Time: 6:30 AM

Date: June 1st 1885

Temperature: 79 Fahrenheit, will reach up to 97 Fahrenheit

Weather: Sun is rising, no clouds in sight
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) March 27, 2021 11:43 AM

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William rose out of his bed, as the rooster's caw finally awoke him. 6:30 on the dot and not a second later was waking time according to the rooster. Even though the male loved being around the farm and doing his work, mornings were hell until he had his coffee. Once he threw his clothes on, which consisted of a white button up undershirt, a black leather vest, a pair of dirty work jeans, a pair of worn black leather cowboy boots, brown riding gloves, and his signature brown cowboy hat that was decorated with cardnial feathers and a squirrel skull. Will pushed open the heavy log door that led to his private cabin a couple hundred feet away from his farm, and stepped out, ready to begin his day. The sun was just showing itself at the horizon as he begun to walk towards the cook's station that was close by to the farm but far enough so no animals would bother him. The cook was always awake before the roosters as he had to prep breakfast for all the workers. As William said his hello to the cook, he took a tin mug from the washing barrel and shook it out to dry it somewhat, then walked over to the main fire where a kettle was sitting on a little tray that stood over the fire, allowing the coffee inside to become piping hot. Pouring the almost black liquid into his mug, he replaced the kettle back onto it's tray and headed over to one of the many round tables that were occupied by stools and barrels to sit on. William took a seat on one of the barrels and rested his arms on the rough wooden table, letting out a yawn as he watched his workers begin to come towards the cook station from their tents and sleeping spots.

Mentions: SilverWood

Rowan eventually woke naturally, rather pleased the herd was not bothered by anything in the night. As a short yawn came from her mouth, she shook off her white, chestnut spotted body, stamping her hoof on the ground as the bugs have already begun to bite. Head hanging low, her brown eyes looking around to make sure everyone was content. Rowan's gaze fell upon her mate, SilverWood, a beam of light reflected off his coat as the sun had inched above the horizon line. Pleasure filled the mare as everything seemed peaceful and perfect, letting out a whinny of delight, she threw her head up and down, quickly reaching down to nip at her leg with her teeth as another bug had bit at her.
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) March 30, 2021 08:30 PM

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Mentions: Rowan
silver looked at his mate the sun was shining off his back and he looked amazing and as he looked at his mate he whinnied back to tell her to stand next to him he raised his head then he dit at a bug
Mentions: N/A
kit woke up and yawned she hated the mornings she thought back to the time when she once was thrown at a jump and was cut across the leg she touched the scar on her arm and leg she always wore long sleeves to hide the cuts and scars as she got up out of bed she looked in the mirror then went to try and fix her hair she gave up and took a shower then got coffee and made eggs
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) April 2, 2021 08:16 AM

Aspen Fire ES
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Luna would be grazing as the sun was gently shining off her back, she'd flick her tail a bit at the flies while taking a step forward. The young mare raised her head, taking in the sight of the herd's surroundings while her ears swirled back and forth a bit to listen to the surroundings of the herd then the mare began to try to groom herself, getting some places of where she could reach, flicking her tail again
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) April 5, 2021 12:33 AM

ShiningStar Stables
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Alexis slowly sat up at 6:30, she had gotten into the habit of waking up at 6:00 at her last job, and she still woke up the same time for this one. Once she had gotten up and thrown on her clothes she walked out and towards the cooks station. She grabbed a tin mug and immediately filled it with the hot black coffee, he went and sat at one of the round tables to drink it. She loved being out on the ranch, the scenery and all the horses.
Mentions: N/A
Killer was grazing in a meadow that laid right beside the river, the sun was shining down on his back. He walked over to the river and grabbed a drink before going to where he was under a tree to block the sun, then he continues grazing as he was.
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) April 5, 2021 06:07 PM

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she tried to dry her hair but then she just brushed it down and walked out side and went to get food and coffee she then sat where no one could see her but William she took a drink of coffee and burned her self a little when she did
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) January 20, 2022 07:35 AM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Mentions: Open
The young mare lightly shook herself, messing up her mane a bit. She softly puffed some air out of her nostrils, straying away from the herd to just explore the surroundings on her own. Her tail flicked at the flies from time to time to keep them away while her muscles softly twitch when a pesky one has attempted to land on her. Her bright green eyes restlessly searched around the area while continuing to stray away from the herd, ready to take off if she either hears or sees anything out of the ordinary.

(Sorry for the overdue absence, I was very much busy with life keeping me on my toes.)

A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) February 10, 2022 08:48 PM

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am i still in this I haven't posted for a bit cause I was taking a break but I'm back?)
A Cowboys Story | Old Western RP | (Open) June 7, 2023 06:53 PM

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as jack walked by william and kattie he greets them and asks them if they've seen his horse whos escaped AGAIN

Edited at June 7, 2023 06:56 PM by MAXD

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