Plot 20 years ago, the queen decreed that all children who showed talent with magic would be sent to a special school to be trained in the proper use of that magic. Yet at the school, very little magic is taught. You are a student at the school. The choice is yours: Will you break the rules and try to learn on your own, or will you learn only control? https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=67&t=50434 -- The Kingdom of Secrets is a place where fantasy can become a reality. Magic is based in the elements that make up the world. There are three main branches of magic, Basic elements, Complex elements, and Will based magic. Each is powerful in its own way. Sadly not much other than control is taught at the school. But one girl and her friends have struck out on their own. They have started to teach themselves magic, and are willing to teach anyone willing to learn. -- Students arrive at the beginning of every season. The roleplay takes place one week after winter arrivals, so students who arrived then will still be learning their way around. No matter what age you come to the school, you leave the first arrival day after you turn 18(There are a few exceptions). -- Discussion: N/A RP: N/A Edited at March 6, 2021 09:27 AM by willow reads
Powers Basic Elements - Water- The power to manipulate water in all of its forms. Normally very determined, but willing to change tactics to get what they want.
- Healing- Water-based healing relies on the healer’s internal reserves of energy to heal another. Not all water manipulators can do this.
- Nature- The ability to enhance and control the growth of plants and fungi. Normally patient but persistent.
- Healing- Nature-based healing relies on the patient’s reserves to heal aided by herbal remedies. Not all Nature manipulators can do this.
- Stone- The power to manipulate raw earth and metal as a solid and sometimes liquid. Normally stubborn and once committed to a course of action, do not waver.
- Air- The power to control air and telekinesis. Normally very independent and impatient. They often are nomads.
- Fire- The power to control pure fire. Normally they have quick tempers that are just as quick to cool as heat.
Complex Elements - Dark- The power to join with shadows and even create portals with them. Rarely seek recognition.
- Light- The power to create light and detect lies. Normally seek recognition. They can detect lies when there is light on a person, then the light will disappear if the person lies.
- Warm- The power to heat, but not cool space and create corporeal illusions at a high cost. Often very social.
- Cold- The power to cool, but not heat a space and create illusions that don’t affect the real world, at a low cost to themselves. Often loners.
Will Based - Animal Speaker- The power to understand and be understood by animals. Often paired with another will-based talent.
- Telepath- The power to project thoughts into the minds of others. Often paired with another will-based talent.
- Mind Reader- The power to hear the thoughts of others. Often paired with another will-based talent.
- Empath- The ability to send and receive emotions. Often paired with another will-based talent.
- Controler- The ability to take over the mind of another living being. Often paired with another will-based talent.
Power Mixing: When multiple elements show up in the same person problems can happen. None of the will-based talents cause any problems when mixed with each other or with one of the elemental talents. However, things get more interesting when mixing elemental talents. Some powers blend quite seamlessly, but opposing elements will often cause problems. - Water x Fire- Never happens. If the powers are equally balanced, they will snuff each other out and the person is left powerless. If one is significantly stronger then the person is left with just the stronger power.
- Water x Cold: Ice magic
- Water x Warm: Normally steam or mist magic
- Nature x Stone: Rare, the two have to be equally balanced, or else the stronger one destroys the weaker one.
- Fire x Cold: Rare, ends up with cold fire and no illusions.
- Fire x Anything else: The other power will be expressed in terms of fire.
- Dark x Light: Can't detect lies, often socially awkward.
- Cold x Warm: Illusions are non-corporeal, but cost a lot, often socially awkward
Rules - Be active
- No perfect characters
- I reserve the right to deny any characters
- Power can be shown anywhere from 14-18
- If you are a healer, you have to have entire water or nature magic.
- Hate the character not the player
- You can have multiple powers but look at the power mixing section.
- You can have as many characters as you can handle.
- LGBTQ+ is fine
- Put what power you think you would want in other
Character sheet Name: Nickname(s): Age(14-18): Gender: Appearance: Personalty: Power: How long have they been at the school: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: Siblings(Optional): Other:
Roster --- Lilith Harper | Nature, Water | 14 | F | GreyFoxHomestead Hannah Fox | Mind Reader, Animal Speaker | 16 | F | LunerEclipseStables Cassandra Paradise | Stone | 16 | F | Sarcastic Stables Saphire Riverbend | Water, Healer | 16 | F | willow reads Maxus Whittaker | Empath, Controller, Cold | 17 | M | Caaldir Equestrian Name | Power | Age | Gender | Played by Edited at March 6, 2021 12:00 PM by willow reads
Edited at March 6, 2021 09:22 AM by willow reads
I would love to join!! Lilith Harper 14years of age. Blond girl with green/blue eyes loves to draw and loves animals. She often is shy and scared of her own magic. But after learning of the group she joined them hoping they would teach her more about her magic and help her grow. Controls nature with some water manipulation (water is more emotion based and harder to control) Lilith is very new to the school. Less then two months in. Weakness are fire and stone. She is shy and has a hard time asking for help and has a hard time speaking for herself. Fear: she fears hurting someone, fire, and clowns. Edited at March 6, 2021 09:28 AM by GreyFoxHomestead
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GreyFoxHomestead, please read the rules
willow reads said: GreyFoxHomestead, please read the rules
Fixed it. The rules where not up when I posted.
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