The Pride of Dreams and Darkness ~~ Plot: Once upon a time in a magical land, ruled by a singular lion pride, there was peace and harmony. The lion pride was led by the powerful King Corin and his loyal subjects. Everything was perfect in this magical kingdom. However, the lions noticed the arizing of a new pride. This pride was evil and had great powers, and they had travelled all the way from the plains of Mysolacty, many, many, miles away from King Corin and his pride. This new pride, The Faetakers, were a ruthless bunch and used the principles of power and darkness to take over. Led by their ruthless leader, Maltak attacked the King’s pride, and the lion pride was scattered. King Corin and his loyal subjects were forced to flee, leaving behind their beloved kingdom in shambles. Now the lions search. In a small, broken pride they knew they had to find a way to overcome these new lions. However, there was a problem. The lions of the Faetaker pride held great power, a mystical magical power, unlike anything our pride had ever seen before. They had gained this power from a magical tree, that was in a faraway land. The pride knew they had to either gain powers that could overcome theirs, or find some other way to drive them out. Now leaderless, the pride must find a way through their troubles, and drive them out. C:Inkarnate.com & 355623 ~~~ Key: Trees = Forrest with magical creatures Town = Where humanoids lay. Can interact and gain their trust. Orange line = Territorial border. ALL of this is playable landscape. Be aware that creatures such as unicorns, phoenixes, elves, goblins, and much more live in this world with us. Feel free to interact with them, but be aware that they are HOSTILE towards you for the most part. Normal animals such as squirrels and other prey also exist. Warlocks/witches/wizards exist, but only in the human village in the middle of the two territories. Can sometimes be found roaming around, and are generally hostile towards lions, good or bad. ~~~ Roles: Lead Lion: (1-M) 1. OPEN The lead lion is not exactly in charge of the pride, only is there as a lookout and symbolic leader. Still has some input and leads the pack into battle. Is also the most dominant. Lead Lioness: (1 - F) 1. Rem - Tarak Is the lead lion's mate, has more control over the pride's movements, and has a council of lionesses to go to for help. Is in charge, and has more power than anyone else. Council of Lionesses: (2 - F) 1. Reserved 2. Wild Warmbloods - Lyra Practically decides all of the pride's movements, along with the lead lioness. Head Warrior: (1- M/F) 1. Lucky Stables - Loki Decides the movements of the pride protectors, also in charge of training the cubs to fight. Is the most skilled fighter in the pride. Pride Protectors: (Unlimited - M/F) 1. Rem - Kaori 2. Ancient - Zuri (to unlimited) Protects the pride from outsiders. Head Hunter: (1 - M/F) 1. Wild Warmbloods - Lucifer In charge of the Hunting Lions and teaching the cubs how to hunt. Hunting Lions: (Unlimited - M/F) 1. Sav - Vivian 2. Ancient - Nymeria 2. Storm - (insert name) (to unlimited) Hunts for food and detects prey patterns. Cubs: (2 - M/F) 1. Storm - Arria 2. OPEN Takes lessons from Head Hunter/Warrior. ~~ Misc. roles: The Searchers: (2 - M/F) 1. Reserved 2. OPEN Roams around looking for a pride, comes across this pride and joins. Can contest the leadership of the current lead lion/lioness (gender dependant) and attempt to take over that position. Then the current lead lion/lioness will be pushed down the ranks to a hunter/warrior. ~~~ Sign-Ups Close on the 12th of April at 3pm! Edited at April 17, 2023 04:41 PM by Lucky Stables
Sign Up Sheet: ~~ Name: Gender: Age: Build: Robust/Thick/Skinny/Other(please describe) Coat Pattern: Coat Texture: Mane Thickness(N/A for F): Thick/Thin/Medium Mane Length(N/A for F): XLong/Long/Medium/Shortish Height: Eye Color: Role: Contentment in Pride(N/A for searcher): Domanace: 1-10 (10 very dominant, Lead Lion auto 10) Personality: Strengths/Weaknesses: Mate: Offspring: Relevant Backstory: ~~ ****Feel free to add more!**** Please note that the "Coat pattern" area should contain all aspects/color your lion has, eg: mane color, base color, nose stripes/color, paw color ext. Edited at April 8, 2023 04:27 PM by Lucky Stables
Rules: - Eve's rules. Obviously xD - Don't be rude. - No bullying, god modding, blah blah blah you get the idea. - Hate the character, not the person. - Please be active, posting MORE than once or twice a week would be nice. - At LEAST 50 words. And please make it coherent, and try to use nice grammar. It's a pet peeve of mine when it comes to RPs. I can't respond if I don't know what I'm reading lol - Multiple characters is perfectly ok, but please don't take on more than you can handle lmao (u know who u are xD) Magic Rules: If we ever get to a point in the RP where a lion in our herd gains magical powers, I want to establish some ground rules. This also applies when describing the enemy's magic in your posts so PAY ATTENTION. ~ 1. This magic is temporary, engaged by drinking/lapping up a supply of sap the enemy pride brought with them. 2. This magic is NOT spells and such. Though there are some entities in this world that can perform this type of magic, (that you could or could not run into, your choice) such as humanoids, you may run into these. The type of magic used by the enemies is a buff type of power, eg; super strength, super speed. But others also have powers of levitation and the elements. The powers you will have the ability to gain will be of similar nature. Edited at April 8, 2023 03:58 PM by Lucky Stables
Name: Lucifer - Age: 5 - Gender: Male - Height: 4 feet at the withers, giant - Coat Pattern: Dappled light grey spots with a black undercoat, a light grey mane. White paws and long white claws, white ear tips - Coat Texture: Short, smooth - Mane Thickness: Thick - Mane Length: Long - Build: Strong, big, robust - Eye Color: Dark green, almost black - Role: Head Hunter - Conentment In Pride: Okay - Dominance: 7/10 - Personality: Strong, caring, brave, good protectors, grumpy, rude - Strengths: Cunning, is a great fighter and very strong - Weaknesses: Very hot headed, can get rude and angry - Mate: None yet, open - Offspring: None yet - Backstory: Was a Loner, joined the pride when he was very young, when he was a loner his parents kicked him out and he hadn't to fend for himself, that's how he got rude and slightly arrogant Edited at April 8, 2023 05:14 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Name: Loki of Pride and Fortune Nickname: Loki Gender: Male Age: 5 Build: Robust, very strong, and well-built. Coat Pattern: Deep red-brown mane and a light, golden pelt. He has darkish paws and green eyes. The tips of his rounded ears turn too blacky brown at the tips. Coat Texture: Coarse and thick, but has a feeling of silkiness. Mane Thickness(N/A for F): Thick Mane Length(N/A for F): Long Height: Tall and well-built. Eye Color: Green Role: Head Warrior Contentment in Pride(N/A for searcher): Very Content Domanace: 7 Personality: Quite assertive, won't take too much nonsense. Quite kind once you get to know him. Loves to fight, and will often initiate playfights within the pride. His favorite spot is on a rock near the center of the territory, where he sometimes sunbathes. Strengths/Weaknesses: Will stay quite strong in times of hardship. When the pack is short of food, or in battle, he will stay strong. However, he is vulnerable to tricks and will always put his pride first. Mate: N/A, But Open Offspring: N/A Relevant Backstory: Both parents died in the fight to free themselves form the Faetakers. His sister survives, but in the enemy pack, as a hostage, and possibly dead.
Wild Warmbloods said: Name: Lucifer - Age: 3 (lions usually live ten to fifteen years, right?) - Gender: Male - Height: 4 feet at the withers, giant - Coat Pattern: Dappled - Coat Texture: Short, smooth - Mane Thickness: Thick - Mane Length: Long - Build: Strong, big, robust - Eye Color: Dark green, almost black
Could you please put his role in the pack? (And the rest of the character sheet) And if you want him to be fully mature, I recommend an age of 4+ Also, depending on his role, his dominance would be a little lower, unless you are pride leader :) Once you've done that, Accepted! Edited at April 8, 2023 04:40 PM by Lucky Stables
Yeah I'm sorry my tablet is super slow so I post the new edit, I'm still going :) - Does that look good? Edited at April 8, 2023 04:44 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Yes, but we're both lead warriors XD Wild Warmbloods said: Yeah I'm sorry my tablet is super slow so I post the new edit, I'm still going :) - Does that look good?
Oh oops. Do you want me to change LOL?
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