Dear ____________, You have been selected to attend Alansonee Isle's Drake Riding Academy, better known as AIDRA. Only 200 teenagers, at most, are sent this letter every year. Now you have most likely never heard of this mysterious Academy, that is probably because it is on an Island far away from any civilization. It is also because only the staff, you and the other students attending this school know about it. The Isle is an island, yes, but it is covered with temperate forests, and the buildings are all of the courses you will be taking this year and the years to follow. The following are included: The Main Hall, The Training grounds/ Battle Arena, Drake Stables, and the Student Dorms. And yes, the island and stables are meant for dragons... You will be assigned your first dragon as a first-year student, this is your training partner, though you may receive them in your second year. Speaking of your second year you will be assigned a different dragon, your forever partner who will come with you until the end of your sixth year. On August 12th of this year, at 12 PM sharp you will be visited by one of our lovely staff members in a white cab. All of your belongings should be located in the trunk, all you are required to do is slip some shoes on and get going into the hovering car. Please note: Time is slowed quite a bit while you are gone from your family, by the time you get back, the sun will just be starting to rise. When you arrive at the Isle, you will be transported to the Academy. It appears to be a giant castle, and inside is the Great/Dining Hall. You will be dropped off around the same time as the other students, with your luggage. After walking into the Great Hall, you wait for further instructions from me. Sincerely, Headmaster Riggs Edited at April 30, 2023 10:30 PM by Alansonee Isles
Roleplay Rules ____________________ 1. Respect everyone and their character, please PM them first before you do anything to hurt their character 2. Follow all of Eve's rules, please! 3. First years will be 13-17 years old 4. Romance is allowed, but no romantic relationships with your own characters 5. You may have up to two human characters, you will be making a dragon sheet for yourself unless you want me to make one for you^^ 6. I expect at least 100 words to a post, please 7. Please contact me if you have questions/concerns, I will try to help you the best I can! 8. After the dragon sheets are made, you may PM me about what 2 dragons you are interested in, if you can't have your first choice you will probably get your second! Hopefully. 9. If you have read all of this I appreciate that! Thanks! Please put your characters or your favorite color in the "Other" section of your sign-up sheet. 10. Have at least two paragraphs in your sign-up sheet. I expect at least 3 sentences for the backstory, appearance, and personality of both characters. 11. Reservations for a role last 2 days Edited at April 28, 2023 06:36 AM by Alansonee Isles
Drake Academy Rules: ______________________________ 1. Be Respectful to all students, teachers, and dragons 2. No dragons allowed on campus grounds, there are trails and forests you may fly around. Exception: Training and Battle Arena 3. No battling dragons without a trainer present 4. Students are required to return to their assigned dorms no later than 11 PM 5. If found sneaking about, or breaking any rules students will be assigned a detention 6. 5 detentions and students will be asked to speak with the headmaster personally 7. If your dragon starts acting strange then please come talk to a trainer or one of the staff with you 8. Please be careful: This is a dragon island, so there will be wild Drake's about. In the woods, caves, or sometimes on the school grounds. We advise students to stay as far away as possible and let the staff handle the problem 9. Don't touch dragon eggs! 10. If found riding a dragon that was not authorized for you, and you are riding without permission you will go straight to the headmaster *Please know that all of these rules are to keep you out of danger* Edited at April 27, 2023 06:49 AM by Mystic Waters Stable
Dragon Encyclopedia(All dragons listed are at the Academy for students): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Western Dragon/ The more common dragon, you have probably seen in TV shows. These dragons can grow the be enormous, up to 130 feet tall. At the academy though, we only have SWD's up to 60 feet. These dragons can have any color scales but the regular is black, green, red, or brown. They almost always have horns and giant wings, that are almost double the size of their body. - Wyverns/ This dragon species is on the small size, the easier to rise size. Standing only 18-20 feet tall, Wyverns have claws on the wing membrane to climb easily. Now these dragons only have two legs, which is why most dragons don't have claws on their wings. Wyverns have barbed tails and surprisingly cannot breathe fire. They also have wings, wing size varies. - Hydras/ The first thing you will ever notice about these dragons are their multiple heads, usually 3-9. They are covered in impenetrable scales which make them a great battle dragon. They too are one the smaller size of dragons, reaching 10-20 feet high, but some of these specific dragons are known to be 40-60 feet tall. Hydra's have wings, but they come to no use whatsoever, the dragon species seems a bit too big for this heavy dragon. The multiple heads may have different elemental powers, but it is unlikely. - Wyrms/ These odd-looking dragons are very long from 29-68 feet. They can grow in height to be 90 feet long, but that is only ever recorded when the dragon is propped upright because they are usually slithering on the ground. Most times you will see Wyrms with no wings at all, nature must have concluded it would be a bit disturbing if you saw a ginormous snake-like creature flying over you. These dragons are capable of breathing fire but usually tend not to. - Amphithere/ Like the Wyrm species, this species is a winged serpent. The beast can grow up to be 50-70 feet tall and double that for their length. Unlike most dragon species, Amphithere has feathered bodies, sometimes just on their wings. But the feathers vary in color, they can be a solid color or the colors of a rainbow. The odd thing about the feathers is that the colors are based on the dragon's personality. So if the dragon is outgoing or strong-willing, with a huge personality they are most likely to have vibrant/multiple colors. Edited at April 27, 2023 04:51 PM by Mystic Waters Stable
Academy open Roles: - Headmaster Martin Riggs - Wild Warmbloods - 1st Year students Adelaide Gray - Mystic Waters (Dorm#: 35, first floor) Alyssa Ivyfield - Savannah Stables (Dorm#: 139, second floor) Tyler Carter - Wild Warmbloods (Dorm#: 47, first floor) Durlan Liafaren - Ponies Haven (Dorm #: 47, first floor) Andi Smithfield - The Ghost Barn (Dorm#: 35, first floor) Elena Hughes - Galloping Stables (Dorm#: 139, second floor) -Open, unlimited- - Dragons Jax - The owner is Adelaide (Stall #: 22) Celia - The owner is Alyssa (Stall #: 37) Fury - The owner is Tyler (Stall #: 21) Zayddret - The owner is Durlan (Stall #: 61) Death - The owner is Andi (Stall #: 13) Kerri - The owner is Elena (Stall #: 74) -Open, 1 dragon per human character- - *If you would like to have the role of a different year other than 1st, PM me* Edited at April 30, 2023 10:31 PM by Alansonee Isles
Academy Sign-Ups *=optional - Human: Full Name Nickname(s)* Age Gender/Pronouns Sexuality* Role(PM me if you want a different role than a first year) Appearance Personality Wanted classes(5 classes exactly) Relationship Status Partner/Crush* Preferred Dragon Species Other - Dragon: Name Nickname(s)* Age Gender Species Appearance Personality Mate* Offspring* Backstory* Owner Other Edited at April 27, 2023 11:55 PM by Mystic Waters Stable
Academy Indoor and Outdoor Classes - Castle(Inside) Classes: Essential Herbs: Just like it sounds. In this class, you will learn the importance of different plants and how to use them at the academy. You will learn what plants are good and what plants are poisonous or harmful. The plants you are informed about, you will find out in the forests with your teacher, Mrs.Ketla. - History Of The Isle: In this specific class you will learn the history of AIDRA. You will have quite a couple of exams and the work is mighty. But in return, you receive extra bonding time and free solo flights for your dragon. The teacher in charge of the students is Teacher Johnson, he can get quite strict. - History Of Dragons: You must take either this class or History Of The Isle as one of your classes for the year. Like the course above, History Of Dragons is where you learn the old pieces of the Isle. But instead, you learn the history of dragons, how they came to be, and such. Teaching this class is Ms.Tafinny - The Safety of Both Dragon and Rider: This is a class that is optional, but may be offered for the importance of it. You will learn how to hand your dragon correctly, fly safely, and learn the emotions of the dragon you as a student are assigned. Students should take this class if they have the decency to know the basic safety of drake riding. This class is led by Mr.Larrena ___________________________________________ Outdoor and Nature Classes: Training/Battle Arenas: Here you and your dragon will battle with other students and their dragons. You will by no circumstances badly injure your opponent. There will be tournaments close to the end of the year so practice if you want to be included in that! The two teachers for this class are Coach Mitchell and Choach Buffca/Mr. Mitchell and Mr.Buffca - Drake Stables: This is the dragon stables, and it is considered a class period. You will learn how to care for dragons, heal wounds, make antidotes, muck stalls, feed, and water different dragons. Remember that this does not mean being able to ride dragons other than your own. This class is led by Ms.Tetris - The Strategy Courses: In this class, you will learn to trust and become more loyal to your dragons...with a bit of fun of course. There are different classes all over the Isle and you will be going to a different one once a week, there is mountain climbing, waterfall diving, Races, a Meditation Meadow, and more! This class is led by three teachers, Mr. Hendricks, Mrs.Finn, and Mrs.Corby. - *All teachers will by NPCs, PM me if you have questions, it can be very confusing at times...or just ask in the discussion board* Edited at April 27, 2023 08:18 PM by Mystic Waters Stable
Student Schedules(You will be told your classes in the discussion board): Class 1/ 8:30-10:00 Class 2/ 10:05-11:05 Lunch and Dragon Stable check/ 11:10-1:00 Class 3/ 1:05-2:30 Class 4/ 2:35-3:25 Class 5/ 3:30-4:30 Dorm Break and/or Dragon Stable check/ 4:35-5:30 Dinner In The Great Hall/ 5:35-7:00 Return to Dorms for the night/ 7:00-11:00 - Sign Ups/Your here! Edited at April 30, 2023 10:44 PM by Alansonee Isles
Character: - Full Name Adelaide Muriel Gray - Nickname(s) Ada, or Dell - Age 16 years old - Gender/Pronouns Feminine, She/Her - Sexuality Bisexual (stronger lean toward men) - Role First Year Student - Appearance A shorter girl with a height of only 5'4. She has a leaner build to her and slightly tanned skin. Adelaide's pale blond hair reaches down to her torso, so she is usually found wearing it up in a bun. The girl has a sharp jawline, it is more triangular, and her chin is pointed, along with her pointed nose. Adelaide is what you would imagine a pretty, rich girl to look like. Though her personality is the opposite... Her eyes are quite stunning when being seen up close, she has a condition called Central Heterochromia when the outside of the iris is green and the iris color around the pupil is light brown. - Personality + Gentle + Easygoing + Shy +Protective +Loyal +Humurous +Can get sassy +A smidge flirty +Tidy +A perfect schedule person - Wanted Classes Essential Herbs History of Dragons The Safty of Both Dragon and Rider Strategy Courses Drake Stables - Relationship Status Single, open - Partner/Crush Open, PM me! - Preferred Dragon Species Wyvern - Other Lavender - Dragon: - Name Titan Joke - Nickname Jax(Everyone calls him this) - Age 75 years old - Gender Male - Species Wyvern - Appearance 18 feet tall and has retractable spikes that can be flung at enemies, they emit a deadly poison. - Personality + Sneeky + Overprotective + Cold + Aggressive + Greatly Intelligent + Sweet on the inside + Gentle to people he trusts + VERY loyal - Owner Adelaide Gray - Other Dark green Edited at April 28, 2023 09:06 AM by Alansonee Isles