Welcome to the land of Curseshore!
(This RP is based off the book Eragon & Wof)
Wild waves crash on the cliff side of curseshore, The weak sun dapples down on thoughs who walk her forest, thoughs who drink her waters will be healed of mind and body, until one day a Dark power took over Curseshore, a wide ranged group of corrupted protecters and their dragons. Will the four new members of the dragon guard be able to unite and stop the evil mass?
Dragons available:
Ice dragon 1/1
Frost breath
serrated Spikes and claws
If focused, it can turn the weather around it into cold weather
These dragons are one the lighter side of complexions, such as whites, light blues and pastel colours. They are adorned with sharp pointed scales and enormous spikes along their backs, these dragons always have black to navy blue eyes, very much like black ink in their eyeballs. These dragons are also known for standing sub zero temperatures and Frost breath, they have sharp features much like pointed ice.
Night dragon 1/1
Mind reading or Long-range Oracle (not both, just one)
Fire breath
the ability the make shadows to their beck and call
These dragons are normally of darker complexions such as black, navy blues and darker purples, their underscales and wings are adorned with spray like stars, they normally have the eye colours of hickory brown and blacks, these dragons are much blunter when it come to comparing them to the Ice dragon, but they are equally stunning.
Desert Dragon 1/1
poisonous tail
Fire breath
able to command sand to their will
These dragons regularly come in the yellow, beige and off white colours, like the Night dragon they have lighter underscales, normally tipped off with stunning orange/red wings. Desert dragons are well known for their ability to go long days on no more then a sip of water and a bite of food, they also can remarkably manage their temperature like no other.
Water dragon 1/1
breathing underwater
able to command water to their will
luminescent scales
These dragons normally come in the colours ranging from blues, greens and purples of any shade, adorned with luminous scales along their head, limbs and tails. The sea dragon is well known for their ability to take hate in rain, despite their love to water.
1. Follow all HEE rules.
2. Any rude behaviour towards me or other characters inside the Rp without permission will be kicked from the rp.
3. The 0/1 next to the dragons types allows how many of the breed there is allowed, in this Rp only Four players will be able to sign up, only one of each dragon breed is eligible for entry, if 1/1 the dragon breed is taken.
4. If any are confused about this Roleplay, please just Pm me, and I will explain to the best extent I can.
5. Please keep swearing to a minimum.
6. Breeding among the dragon breeds will only be allowed once a decent way through the rp, for at the start of the rp, the dragons are only hatchlings.
7. Please keep killing/hurting players to a minimum too, it is allowed but please, not constantly, you are able to kill however many NPC soldiers you would like.
Explaning a little:
When you start, probably start with a small scene that will lead to finding a dragon egg, Dragons and riders are immortal and can only be harmed/killed by standard weapons, or magical weapons.
When your Rider bonds to your hatchling dragon, (happens when the baby dragon hatch's) a faint scar will appear on the riders wrist, the dragon and rider share their minds, hearts and souls, forever in each others head, please keep in mind that other riders can hear another players dragon, if the dragon wishes. Also another thing players should be mindful of, is that dragons cannot speak out loud, if would only sound like a bunch of roaring, the dragons are much known for their mental strengths, baby dragons when born will not able to go on and speak as a older dragon might, like toddlers, they need to be taught, another way to add fire to the bond between rider and dragon.
Character sheets:
Human sheet:
Age (please keep reasonable, like 16-25):
Job(depending on age):
Dragon Sheet: