Nooked Ito The Mountains Of Jamaica, Golden Corral Has Stood For Over 70 Years. Its Current Owner Decided To Turn This Old Stables Into A State-Of-The-Art Boarding School For Talented Riders.
They Offer Many Disciplines, Although you have to excel to be accepted. You have been accepted, and you and your horse will be trained up, until you are good enough to go to the international circuit. There are a few scholarships available,
- Do not injure another person's character without their permission - If you have read all the rules, put “BluBury” in other - Only make as many characters as you can handle - Please notify me if you are dropping out, or won't be on for a while - Drama and romance is allowed
Edited at February 4, 2024 03:19 PM by Olive
There are two instructors each discipline, Instructors can have more than one discipline! PM me if you'd like me to save you a spot.
Instructors: Flat Racing: OPEN and OPEN Steeplechase: OPEN and OPEN Eventing: OPEN and OPEN Cross Country: OPEN and OPEN Showjumping: OPEN and OPEN Dressage: OPEN and OPEN Hunter Jumper: OPEN and OPEN Horsemanship: OPEN and OPEN Liberty: Niki and OPEN Endurance: OPEN and OPEN Reining: OPEN and OPEN Cutting: OPEN and OPEN Roping / Team Roping: OPEN and OPEN Pole Bending: OPEN and OPEN Barrel Racing: OPEN and OPEN Drill Team: OPEN and OPEN
Edited at February 23, 2024 10:35 AM by Olive
School Horses: Santana Rising 'Riser' 16 hh, Mare, 13 Yrs Riser Is An Buttermilk Dun Quarter Horse, With A Hogged Mane And White Lacing Markings On Her Back. She Is A Calm, Experienced mare, She Is Absolutely Terrified Of Raccoons. Typically Used For Pole Bending. Powdered Sugar 'Fox' 15.3 hh, Gelding, 7 Yrs: Fox Is A Spooky Friesian, Bearing The Breed's Iconic Black Color. He loves Attention, Although He Might Rear Up At You. He Doesn't Quite Enjoy Any Disciplines, As Much As Liberty. His Riders Will Normally Be Safe On Him. Edited at February 4, 2024 03:18 PM by Olive
Facilities -One Indoor Dressage Arena, One Outdoor Dressage Arena -One Indoor Jumping Arena, One Outdoor Jumping Arena -State-Of-The-Art Stable Blocks -One Flat-Racing Track -One Steeplechasing Track -5 Km Cross-Country Course -2 Km Cross-Country Course -Two Large 2 Acres Pastures, Two Smaller Half Acre Pastures - 16 DIfferent Trails -4 Round Pens -Separate Stable Blocks For Mares, Stallions, And Gelding -Hospital Barn, For Sick Or Foaling Horses
Stable Hands: Responsibilities -Morning Duties: Muck out & let horses into the pasture. *Make sure who is supposed to stay stalled.* Pasture placing listed in the feed room. Lightly groom nighttime pastured horses. Feed/water horses - again, check the poster in the feed room to give everyone the right food. Supplements can be found in the white locker, check who needs what!!! -Daytime Duties: On farrier days, help lead horses to and fro. Put horses in the exerciser (as always, check who is supposed to) -Evening Duties: Bring in horses from the pastures and let out daytime stalled horses. *Check the pasture roster!* Feed/water horses, lightly groom daytime pastured horses. Check that all tack/grooming items are in their places. Check the tackroom to make sure everything is in order - this may be done first thing in the morning instead.
Exercise Riders: Responsibilities -Exercise riders are responsible for riding the un-assigned school horses, unbred broodmares, selected boarded horses, and some of the farm stallions. Each rider is assigned a short list of horses each day, with horses shifting from person to person. Only the more experienced riders will be assigned the trickier mounts, and skill level is taken into account when assigning. On average, each rider will ride 3-5 horses per day for approximately 30 minutes - you will also be given loose instructions on what you may/may not do on the horse, what discipline to focus on, etc. The farm also offers part-time training for riders who want to earn their Riding Instructor's Certificate. Please specify in your sing-up if your character is part of this.
Owner (1/1) Niki Xenophontos. Girls (1/infinite) - Shiloh Razor Rocky - - - - - - Boys (2/infinite) - Smoke Rich Lorenzo - Chris Mark Dashman - - - - - Working Students (2/10) - Kieran Andrew's - Alaska Adia Devyn - - - - - - - - Edited at February 20, 2024 11:23 AM by Olive
Sign Up Forms: Rider Name: Gender: Age: Job: (optional) Appearance: Personality: Discipline: Side discipline (up to 2): Horse: Riding level: Likes: Dislikes: Riding experience: Other:
Instructor Name: Gender: Age: Discipline: Training experience: Horse: Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Backstory: Other:
Horse Show name: Barn name: Gender: Breed: Appearance: Age: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: Leaser(If There Is One): Discipline: Other: Edited at February 6, 2024 04:46 PM by Olive
Rider Name: Kieran Andrew's (Kierce) Gender: Male Age: 19 Job: (optional) stable hand Appearance: Kierce stands at roughly 6.74 inches, With a golden complexion and Chestnut hair, tipped with sun streaks. His eyes are a coppery-brown with gold flecks, giving Kieran a warm and sunny appearance. Kierce has a small thin white scar running from the right bottom of his jaw to the base of his neck, caused from a accident when he was younger, Kierce is considered 'handsome' among people. Personality: Kierce is quite a withdrawn person and takes him quite a while to open up to people, he does try his best to interact with people, but he mostly keeps relationships between him and Harm. Kierce has quite a problem with ADHD, making him a little cocky. Discipline: show jumping Side discipline (up to 2): Eventing Dressage Horse: Beautiful Harm Riding level: Novice Likes: Kierce loves water, warm or cold. Dislikes: Kierce dislikes Heights and flying Riding experience: he has quite a bit of experience, he is just learning the tricks. Other: Blubury - Horse Show name: Beautiful Harm Barn name: Harm Gender: Gelding Breed: Selle Francąis Appearance: Harm is grullo with tiger stripes on his legs, a shining coat. His has a small scar on his hind right leg. Harm has four white socks and a white badger face marking. His eyes are the colour of warm mud and rust. Age: 5 Personality: Harm is a very impulsiuve horse, always do not thinks, Kierce always try's to stop him from doing so, Harm loves being around other horses, mainly because he can steal their food. Likes: socialising Food Dislikes: Cold water Dogs Owner: Kieran Andrew's Leaser(If There Is One): Discipline: Show jumping Other: BluBury Edited at February 14, 2024 04:22 PM by Ponies heaven
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Could you fill out the ones that are blank? Unless it says optional it is required, Ponies heaven said: Rider WIP Name: Kieran Andrew's (Kierce) Gender: Male Age: 19 Job: (optional) stable hand Appearance: Personality: Discipline: show jumping Side discipline (up to 2): Eventing Dressage Horse: Beautiful Harm Riding level: Novice Likes: Dislikes: Riding experience: Other: - Horse Show name: Beautiful Harm Barn name: Harm Gender: Gelding Breed: Selle Francąis Appearance: Harm is grullo with tiger stripes on his legs, a shining coat. His has a small scar on his hind right leg. Harm has four white socks and a white badger face marking. His eyes are the colour of warm mud and rust. Age: 5 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: Kieran Andrew's Leaser(If There Is One): Discipline: Show jumping Other:
Olive said: Could you fill out the ones that are blank? Unless it says optional it is required, Ponies heaven said: Rider WIP Name: Kieran Andrew's (Kierce) Gender: Male Age: 19 Job: (optional) stable hand Appearance: Personality: Discipline: show jumping Side discipline (up to 2): Eventing Dressage Horse: Beautiful Harm Riding level: Novice Likes: Dislikes: Riding experience: Other: - Horse Show name: Beautiful Harm Barn name: Harm Gender: Gelding Breed: Selle Francąis Appearance: Harm is grullo with tiger stripes on his legs, a shining coat. His has a small scar on his hind right leg. Harm has four white socks and a white badger face marking. His eyes are the colour of warm mud and rust. Age: 5 Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Owner: Kieran Andrew's Leaser(If There Is One): Discipline: Show jumping Other:
It's currently a WIP
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I'm gonna post my character when it's done, I'm still working on it ;)