FAQ: none for now :) to be added to :) Edited at June 21, 2022 06:44 PM by Avenoir Acres
this is a place to discuss the happenings in the thread / sign-ups. feel free to communicate freely, just be polite! Edited at June 21, 2022 06:44 PM by Avenoir Acres
open for discussion! thread should be up in the next day or two as well as horse assignments / etc :) stay tuned.
thread is up <3 i should have my posts up by monday / tuesday :)
I'll try to post something either tonight or tomorrow <3
okayyy, finally got rl stuff managed so i'm gonna tackle writing junk tma. my queue for my kiddos here goes as follows (unless i randomly wake up tomorrow and say screw any prework i've put into organizing this insanity): 1. Rena + Ivan + Sullivan / Alex + Drew 2. Eden / Open 2a/3. Ezra / Open 4. Ivie / Open, pot. @ eli or emmett . eden and ezra may end up being in the same post, i might consolidate and just make three, we'll see what happens. further, i'm about to make a second post on here with a super basic itinerary that i don't fully expect anyone to follow. i know how it is when we try to plan cohesive plotlines, so i'm just leaving them open as vague inspiration boosters should you want to include them in your posts <3 further, if anyone wants to include any of the aforementioned kids in posts and they get to it before me, feel free. i'm happy to make anything work. the only important one i need to write as-is is the rena and ivan one because t and i need to tie up some loose ends from pre-stadt :)
oookay let's rock: - jan 11: current day (morning) of RP jan 11-13: 7pm orientation meetings in Kirche. whatever day you arrive is the day you'll attend, unless otherwise specified. in theory, sign-up would be online, so if your character gets in late or is just hella jetlagged, they could do the next day. estimated group size each night is about forty people, seating is open. jan 15: 'b' team scrimmage @ beste university / riverwild equestrian center. for those who weren't in THAT ancient thread, riverwild is literally right down the hill, it's the farm attached to the university in town. all 'b' team members of show jumping, eventing, hunt seat, western, and dressage are invited and generally expected to attend. it's not really a big deal, it's just a training competition to get their riders in shape and for the coaches at stadt to see what they're working with. jan 17-20: some kind of historic festival is happening in town. that's the weekend (thurs-sun), riders are off (the competitions scheduled got cancelled due to weather, and anticipated MORE snow on Saturday). - FINALLY, i hope, don't forget that there's no indoor, so it's highly unlikely that a ton of riding is gonna be happening with all the weather. in theory, emily is working on some kind of agreement to use riverwild's indoor, but it hasn't happened yet. another thing i haven't mentioned is that there's multiple gyms, one huge one in the main house and a smaller, not very nice one in kirche. there's smaller ones on each barn adjacent the tack rooms. 'a' and 'b' kids are expected to use them regularly :)
feels worthwhile to link riverwild / white oaks junk for any new writers that weren't involved. i know i will be referencing both frequently :) .