Hello and welcome to Hamster Lovers Unites! Established in Yr 163, we are a club to share our hamster passion with others!
To help you along with your HEE journey, we also will be holding yearly giveaways! This will include broods, straws, items, EBS and horses!
- Normal 2k monthly dues (autopay)
- Access to EEW+ combo studs
- Access to EEE+ Broods
- Access to yearly Tier 1 giveaway (EEE+ broods, EEW+ Straws, EEE+ horses, items)
- 25k monthly dues
- Access to EWW+ combo Studs
- Access to EWW+ combo Broods
- Access to yearly Tier 2 Giveaway ( EWE+ combo broods, EWW+ Straws, EEW+ horses, items)
Tell us about your hamster, and give us any tips you have, and ask any question, no matter how silly!