Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Winter   
$: 0
Forecast: Bright Sunshine with a few High Clouds
Mon 10:17pm  
Stables Online:  99   Go Raid
Equine Elite Stables
10:13:52 Kay
-HEE Click-
She’s been a struggle to match
Dark Shadows Estate
10:13:10 Bazz
And on that note my accountant had a heart attack... 747 horses entered into shows - i think he is being a little overdramatic considering they will make money back haha
Equine Elite Stables
10:12:49 Kay
Anyone willing to give opinions on a match??
White Run Stables
10:10:55 Jay
it gives me major grief, gonna eat stuffed shells and ponder
Imperial Warmbloods
10:08:53 Imp/Impie
I hate matching, lol
White Run Stables
10:06:33 Jay
not many SH sires out at the moment so I should wait for RO maybe to fully match her
Glacier Bay Cove
10:06:00 Lily Lilac🐈
Okay I am about to try making a snake adopt or two, wish me luck
Angels angels
10:05:57 [1k+ brindles] Angel
If you guys need help matcbing just pm them to me plus all your requirements for the matches (breed, budget, etc)
I am going to bed so I will send them to you tomorrow xD
White Run Stables
10:05:50 Jay
-HEE Click-
I have a couple WWW producers lined up for her but I'm worried about things I could be missing
White Run Stables
10:04:41 Jay
@ sting
I've gotten so many PPPs this RO it was nasty
PLEASE LOL, I honestly just need help with this one girl, I'll send in chat 1s
Narran Park
10:03:45 Sting
me, waving cash in the air.

Narran Park
10:03:11 Sting
Jay, i also see people drop loads on 1 match and it be a PPP...this does not encourage me to try harder either. Yikes!
Angels angels
10:03:09 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I mean I could lmao
I love marching other people's horses but not my own xD
White Run Stables
10:02:13 Jay
same sting XD this year I'm trying to be more attentive and do some matches but I'm nervous man!!
Narran Park
10:02:04 Sting
There is something about the Quest Lady...she just looks like she has been dragged out of the bushes and i can never unsee it,
Narran Park
10:00:41 Sting
haha, yep!
I usually just wing it.
White Run Stables
10:00:01 Jay
yayyy dark xx
White Run Stables
09:59:47 Jay
angel can you do all my matches this year pls? XD jkjk.. i'm also still finding out what to look for in terms of training development
Wolf Dancer
09:59:41 Wolf Burger (Leg)
The Unknown
09:59:13 Unknown | Dark
I got my header to work! Progress is being made

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Equine Elite Stables
10:13:52 Kay
-HEE Click-
She’s been a struggle to match
Dark Shadows Estate
10:13:10 Bazz
And on that note my accountant had a heart attack... 747 horses entered into shows - i think he is being a little overdramatic considering they will make money back haha
Equine Elite Stables
10:12:49 Kay
Anyone willing to give opinions on a match??
White Run Stables
10:10:55 Jay
it gives me major grief, gonna eat stuffed shells and ponder
Imperial Warmbloods
10:08:53 Imp/Impie
I hate matching, lol
White Run Stables
10:06:33 Jay
not many SH sires out at the moment so I should wait for RO maybe to fully match her
Glacier Bay Cove
10:06:00 Lily Lilac🐈
Okay I am about to try making a snake adopt or two, wish me luck
Angels angels
10:05:57 [1k+ brindles] Angel
If you guys need help matcbing just pm them to me plus all your requirements for the matches (breed, budget, etc)
I am going to bed so I will send them to you tomorrow xD
White Run Stables
10:05:50 Jay
-HEE Click-
I have a couple WWW producers lined up for her but I'm worried about things I could be missing
White Run Stables
10:04:41 Jay
@ sting
I've gotten so many PPPs this RO it was nasty
PLEASE LOL, I honestly just need help with this one girl, I'll send in chat 1s
Narran Park
10:03:45 Sting
me, waving cash in the air.

Narran Park
10:03:11 Sting
Jay, i also see people drop loads on 1 match and it be a PPP...this does not encourage me to try harder either. Yikes!
Angels angels
10:03:09 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I mean I could lmao
I love marching other people's horses but not my own xD
White Run Stables
10:02:13 Jay
same sting XD this year I'm trying to be more attentive and do some matches but I'm nervous man!!
Narran Park
10:02:04 Sting
There is something about the Quest Lady...she just looks like she has been dragged out of the bushes and i can never unsee it,
Narran Park
10:00:41 Sting
haha, yep!
I usually just wing it.
White Run Stables
10:00:01 Jay
yayyy dark xx
White Run Stables
09:59:47 Jay
angel can you do all my matches this year pls? XD jkjk.. i'm also still finding out what to look for in terms of training development
Wolf Dancer
09:59:41 Wolf Burger (Leg)
The Unknown
09:59:13 Unknown | Dark
I got my header to work! Progress is being made

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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