witchypoo i'd rather have a tainted book which is more exciting,even if it comes with consequences,then a bland book which follows the rest of the world,no consequences,just success.oh yeah,ad boredom.But,you have a opinion,and I respect that.
The House across the lake by Riley Sager, The Glass Girl by kathleen glasgow, The Perfect marriage by Jeneva Rose, The Club by ellery lloyd, or A sisters promise by James Caine
#2 The expanding foam idea? My parents use it for its intended purpose. And years ago we talked about what we COULD do back to neighbors if we wanted. Familt was saying like things in mailboxes and I said about the foam. LMAO Then later on they said about putting it in the exhaust of the guy I ended up having a crush on. O.o
After watching chat for some time now, if appears you all have forgotten, 'what goes around, comes around'...You put 'evil' out there, it will find it's way back to you.