Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny And Hot
Wed 11:17am  
Stables Online:  112 
Fancy Me Spotted
Sorry im just trying to understand why people are rating crazy if they waste money?
11:17:06 marsh 🌈
better rating tickles my brain
The Old Gods
11:16:36 Void Malign
Bragging rights, sense of accomplishmet, pride in creating their own lines
Fancy Me Spotted
That dose not make sense to me why are people crazy about ratings if ratings are a money sink? I don't get it?
The Old Gods
11:15:05 Void Malign
Generally, wild horses won't have good ratings
Willow Grove
11:14:27 Stalker of Chat
The mother probably didnt have a good rating, then. You still wont get a great foal from an EEE sire, though
Imperial Warmbloods
11:13:50 Imp/Impie
~ Fancy
Ratings are completely random, more specifically in the catching them aspect. In order to get WWWs, you`ll need EWW+ horses and breed them by matching well.
Fancy Me Spotted
And ratings have nothing to do with it at all.
The Old Gods
11:13:25 Void Malign
Because it's a money sink. Ratings do impact foal ratings
Fancy Me Spotted
It would be easier If they came rated you know.
Fancy Me Spotted
Morning/Afternoon everyone I was wondering how come horses are not already rated when you catch/breed them?

I rated a filly I bred her sire was EEE her mother was unrated so she got a SSA rating so how do you get EEE or WWW horses is it random or do ratings really influence this I'm starting to think it's all random?
Wolf Dancer
11:10:32 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thank you 😊
Glacier Bay Cove
11:09:18 Glacier cats
Ugly Horse says get well soon, Wolf
Glacier Bay Cove
11:08:03 Glacier cats
As I continue working on art, it will get better, I hope
Wolf Dancer
11:06:57 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
11:06:55 Glacier cats
Now presenting Ugly Horse -Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:04:47 Glacier cats
We are all here for you. Wolf, cheering for you to get better soon
Wolf Dancer
11:03:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
They estimate about 5 days in the hospital then 10 at home then possibly go to school
Wolf Dancer
11:01:36 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks guys!
11:00:28 Lunar
i'm always here for you x

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Fancy Me Spotted
Sorry im just trying to understand why people are rating crazy if they waste money?
11:17:06 marsh 🌈
better rating tickles my brain
The Old Gods
11:16:36 Void Malign
Bragging rights, sense of accomplishmet, pride in creating their own lines
Fancy Me Spotted
That dose not make sense to me why are people crazy about ratings if ratings are a money sink? I don't get it?
The Old Gods
11:15:05 Void Malign
Generally, wild horses won't have good ratings
Willow Grove
11:14:27 Stalker of Chat
The mother probably didnt have a good rating, then. You still wont get a great foal from an EEE sire, though
Imperial Warmbloods
11:13:50 Imp/Impie
~ Fancy
Ratings are completely random, more specifically in the catching them aspect. In order to get WWWs, you`ll need EWW+ horses and breed them by matching well.
Fancy Me Spotted
And ratings have nothing to do with it at all.
The Old Gods
11:13:25 Void Malign
Because it's a money sink. Ratings do impact foal ratings
Fancy Me Spotted
It would be easier If they came rated you know.
Fancy Me Spotted
Morning/Afternoon everyone I was wondering how come horses are not already rated when you catch/breed them?

I rated a filly I bred her sire was EEE her mother was unrated so she got a SSA rating so how do you get EEE or WWW horses is it random or do ratings really influence this I'm starting to think it's all random?
Wolf Dancer
11:10:32 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thank you 😊
Glacier Bay Cove
11:09:18 Glacier cats
Ugly Horse says get well soon, Wolf
Glacier Bay Cove
11:08:03 Glacier cats
As I continue working on art, it will get better, I hope
Wolf Dancer
11:06:57 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
11:06:55 Glacier cats
Now presenting Ugly Horse -Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:04:47 Glacier cats
We are all here for you. Wolf, cheering for you to get better soon
Wolf Dancer
11:03:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
They estimate about 5 days in the hospital then 10 at home then possibly go to school
Wolf Dancer
11:01:36 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks guys!
11:00:28 Lunar
i'm always here for you x

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