Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny And Hot
Wed 11:15am  
Stables Online:  119 
The Old Gods
11:15:05 Void Malign
Generally, wild horses won't have good ratings
Willow Grove
11:14:27 Stalker of Chat
The mother probably didnt have a good rating, then. You still wont get a great foal from an EEE sire, though
Imperial Warmbloods
11:13:50 Imp/Impie
~ Fancy
Ratings are completely random, more specifically in the catching them aspect. In order to get WWWs, you`ll need EWW+ horses and breed them by matching well.
Fancy Me Spotted
And ratings have nothing to do with it at all.
The Old Gods
11:13:25 Void Malign
Because it's a money sink. Ratings do impact foal ratings
Fancy Me Spotted
It would be easier If they came rated you know.
Fancy Me Spotted
Morning/Afternoon everyone I was wondering how come horses are not already rated when you catch/breed them?

I rated a filly I bred her sire was EEE her mother was unrated so she got a SSA rating so how do you get EEE or WWW horses is it random or do ratings really influence this I'm starting to think it's all random?
Wolf Dancer
11:10:32 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thank you 😊
Glacier Bay Cove
11:09:18 Glacier cats
Ugly Horse says get well soon, Wolf
Glacier Bay Cove
11:08:03 Glacier cats
As I continue working on art, it will get better, I hope
Wolf Dancer
11:06:57 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
11:06:55 Glacier cats
Now presenting Ugly Horse -Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:04:47 Glacier cats
We are all here for you. Wolf, cheering for you to get better soon
Wolf Dancer
11:03:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
They estimate about 5 days in the hospital then 10 at home then possibly go to school
Wolf Dancer
11:01:36 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks guys!
11:00:28 Lunar
i'm always here for you x
Imperial Warmbloods
10:59:49 Imp/Impie
~ Wolf
Aw, I`m so sorry, :( Sending hugs and prayers, <3
Gemstone Stable
10:58:55 Snow❆Gem

Oh no! O.o I hope you heal up well!
Wolf Dancer
10:58:42 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Luna <3
10:58:13 Lunar
Oh wolf i feel so sorry for you hope things get better x

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
The Old Gods
11:15:05 Void Malign
Generally, wild horses won't have good ratings
Willow Grove
11:14:27 Stalker of Chat
The mother probably didnt have a good rating, then. You still wont get a great foal from an EEE sire, though
Imperial Warmbloods
11:13:50 Imp/Impie
~ Fancy
Ratings are completely random, more specifically in the catching them aspect. In order to get WWWs, you`ll need EWW+ horses and breed them by matching well.
Fancy Me Spotted
And ratings have nothing to do with it at all.
The Old Gods
11:13:25 Void Malign
Because it's a money sink. Ratings do impact foal ratings
Fancy Me Spotted
It would be easier If they came rated you know.
Fancy Me Spotted
Morning/Afternoon everyone I was wondering how come horses are not already rated when you catch/breed them?

I rated a filly I bred her sire was EEE her mother was unrated so she got a SSA rating so how do you get EEE or WWW horses is it random or do ratings really influence this I'm starting to think it's all random?
Wolf Dancer
11:10:32 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thank you 😊
Glacier Bay Cove
11:09:18 Glacier cats
Ugly Horse says get well soon, Wolf
Glacier Bay Cove
11:08:03 Glacier cats
As I continue working on art, it will get better, I hope
Wolf Dancer
11:06:57 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Glacier!
Glacier Bay Cove
11:06:55 Glacier cats
Now presenting Ugly Horse -Click-
Glacier Bay Cove
11:04:47 Glacier cats
We are all here for you. Wolf, cheering for you to get better soon
Wolf Dancer
11:03:14 Wolf Burger (Leg)
They estimate about 5 days in the hospital then 10 at home then possibly go to school
Wolf Dancer
11:01:36 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks guys!
11:00:28 Lunar
i'm always here for you x
Imperial Warmbloods
10:59:49 Imp/Impie
~ Wolf
Aw, I`m so sorry, :( Sending hugs and prayers, <3
Gemstone Stable
10:58:55 Snow❆Gem

Oh no! O.o I hope you heal up well!
Wolf Dancer
10:58:42 Wolf Burger (Leg)
Thanks Luna <3
10:58:13 Lunar
Oh wolf i feel so sorry for you hope things get better x

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The Old Gods
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