Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny And Hot
Wed 05:15pm  
Stables Online:  110   Go Raid
Sunset River Arabian
05:14:14 Athena - AAs
Hmm okay deal. He's like the comedic relief anyway lol
KPH Equestrian
05:12:52 Rapcoon | Jester
true c:

just... don't kill Ben, kay? >>;
Glacier Bay Cove
05:12:10 Glacier cats
If, I get another cat, thinking about naming her Angel Brindle, lol
Sunset River Arabian
05:10:04 Athena - AAs
And than I suppose if I get to the cliffhanger and you and Angels are like nope this story should stop with one book, I can always go back and edit it
Withering Willows
05:09:25 Willow 🌈
Irritating part is that I pinpointed how to /start/ the code for the header, but as you look, you can see that it's still broken. :(
KPH Equestrian
05:07:14 Rapcoon | Jester
ooh intriguing 👀
Sunset River Arabian
05:07:11 Athena - AAs
my typing needs help
Sunset River Arabian
05:06:33 Athena - AAs
maye=be 2 people. that could be aranged
KPH Equestrian
05:06:31 Rapcoon | Jester
Yessssss fuck yeah! xD
Sunset River Arabian
05:06:13 Athena - AAs
I mean...someone will die
KPH Equestrian
05:05:49 Rapcoon | Jester
yes good I don't like happily ever afters much xD
I honestly prefer books where everyone, or almost everyone, dies lmao
Sunset River Arabian
05:05:00 Athena - AAs
I don't have a happlity ever after in mind honestly. And I do have a cliffhanger I've been holding on to that could work. but than yhe sequel would be alot of the ups and downs of a relationship while also being thrownheadlong into a new living situation, no friends etc. Which might be boring. I don't know
Rawhide ranch
05:02:52 wild west camp
I know this is out of nowhere but i just put this horse through breed approval and I almost had a heart attack...
my first 1 of 1 color rarity, come look!

-HEE Click-
KPH Equestrian
05:01:46 Rapcoon | Jester
It depends wholly on the first books ending, I think. If it's a happliy-ever-after, then no.
I honestly love the characters though, and feel like it could do nicely with a sequel
Sunset River Arabian
04:59:19 Athena - AAs
So in your honest opinion, should I aim for a sequel with this one or no? I feel like its getting dry and boring but it could just be because I've been tired when I write lately
KPH Equestrian
04:58:31 Rapcoon | Jester
well I think it depends on how the first book left off. I've read some that would work beautifully with a sequel and deserve it, and some that a sequel would feel forced >>;
I'm a heathen though and sometimes read the second book before the first >.<
04:57:33 Crowley
I want me custom header back T-T
Sunset River Arabian
04:56:45 Athena - AAs
I don't like them lol They're never as good as the first one I find
KPH Equestrian
04:56:31 Rapcoon | Jester
no, I've been too intimidated to touch palettes >.< I can try messing with it later though :3
KPH Equestrian
04:56:05 Rapcoon | Jester
fuck yeah sequels all the way.
I get so sad finishing a particularly good book then finding out there aren't and won't be any more x'D

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Sunset River Arabian
05:14:14 Athena - AAs
Hmm okay deal. He's like the comedic relief anyway lol
KPH Equestrian
05:12:52 Rapcoon | Jester
true c:

just... don't kill Ben, kay? >>;
Glacier Bay Cove
05:12:10 Glacier cats
If, I get another cat, thinking about naming her Angel Brindle, lol
Sunset River Arabian
05:10:04 Athena - AAs
And than I suppose if I get to the cliffhanger and you and Angels are like nope this story should stop with one book, I can always go back and edit it
Withering Willows
05:09:25 Willow 🌈
Irritating part is that I pinpointed how to /start/ the code for the header, but as you look, you can see that it's still broken. :(
KPH Equestrian
05:07:14 Rapcoon | Jester
ooh intriguing 👀
Sunset River Arabian
05:07:11 Athena - AAs
my typing needs help
Sunset River Arabian
05:06:33 Athena - AAs
maye=be 2 people. that could be aranged
KPH Equestrian
05:06:31 Rapcoon | Jester
Yessssss fuck yeah! xD
Sunset River Arabian
05:06:13 Athena - AAs
I mean...someone will die
KPH Equestrian
05:05:49 Rapcoon | Jester
yes good I don't like happily ever afters much xD
I honestly prefer books where everyone, or almost everyone, dies lmao
Sunset River Arabian
05:05:00 Athena - AAs
I don't have a happlity ever after in mind honestly. And I do have a cliffhanger I've been holding on to that could work. but than yhe sequel would be alot of the ups and downs of a relationship while also being thrownheadlong into a new living situation, no friends etc. Which might be boring. I don't know
Rawhide ranch
05:02:52 wild west camp
I know this is out of nowhere but i just put this horse through breed approval and I almost had a heart attack...
my first 1 of 1 color rarity, come look!

-HEE Click-
KPH Equestrian
05:01:46 Rapcoon | Jester
It depends wholly on the first books ending, I think. If it's a happliy-ever-after, then no.
I honestly love the characters though, and feel like it could do nicely with a sequel
Sunset River Arabian
04:59:19 Athena - AAs
So in your honest opinion, should I aim for a sequel with this one or no? I feel like its getting dry and boring but it could just be because I've been tired when I write lately
KPH Equestrian
04:58:31 Rapcoon | Jester
well I think it depends on how the first book left off. I've read some that would work beautifully with a sequel and deserve it, and some that a sequel would feel forced >>;
I'm a heathen though and sometimes read the second book before the first >.<
04:57:33 Crowley
I want me custom header back T-T
Sunset River Arabian
04:56:45 Athena - AAs
I don't like them lol They're never as good as the first one I find
KPH Equestrian
04:56:31 Rapcoon | Jester
no, I've been too intimidated to touch palettes >.< I can try messing with it later though :3
KPH Equestrian
04:56:05 Rapcoon | Jester
fuck yeah sequels all the way.
I get so sad finishing a particularly good book then finding out there aren't and won't be any more x'D

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