Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Summer   
$: 0
Forecast: Sunny And Hot
Wed 10:34pm  
Stables Online:  94 
Withering Willows
10:31:39 Willow 🌈
Thank you! 🥹
Gypsy Family Farm
Willow, you have accomplished a lot! I'm proud of you and I don't even know you!
Withering Willows
10:25:13 Willow 🌈
I'm proud of myself though. While I don't have a job yet or my own home like I dreamt as a kid by the time I turned 20, I /do/ know how to play piano, a dabble of guitar, many languages (a few words or a few phrases) AND I have been teaching myself coding since I joined WolfPlay in 2021. WP is my reason for now knowing that I want a career in Computer Sciences. I didn't think I'd know what I wanted to do 100% until my late 20s.
Angels angels
10:24:46 [1k+ brindles] Angel
That means my little brother will be an adult next year.. but he is still a baby lol
Angels angels
10:22:24 [1k+ brindles] Angel
SCF Sporting Chance
10:21:49 SCF/Gibbs
Willow.. I would either show him or explore.. even sub horses can still do things in explore.
Withering Willows
10:21:01 Willow 🌈
It's real. I turn 20 this year. It's insane.
Angels angels
10:20:21 [1k+ brindles] Angel
What the heck?!
I just learned people born in 2005 are turning 20 this year >.>
Is that real? That can't be real. That was like yesterday
Withering Willows
10:09:06 Willow 🌈
What is this horse good for? -HEE Click-
Thank you storm, maybe am losing track of my straws now.
Bioshock Manor
10:04:49 Storm
Yes it tells you they were sold.
This may be a silly question, when straws from a stallion sale.
Do you get a notification?
My stallion showing he has 11 straws I do remember some where up for sale and they are no longer showing.
Am am guessing they where bought.
10:01:18 marsh 🌈
nope no sound
all of my horses are 100% what?
Withering Willows
09:59:53 Willow 🌈
Is there supposed to be sound? </3
09:59:10 marsh 🌈
Withering Willows
09:58:43 Willow 🌈
Why can none of my horses breed?
Withering Willows
09:55:46 Willow 🌈
Just because. I'm focusing more on palettes than the game itself right now.
Bioshock Manor
09:54:22 Storm
Ooh. Yes Sun
09:53:44 Sun's Spl TB's
-HEE Click-
Mmmm I like this match very much *_*

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Withering Willows
10:31:39 Willow 🌈
Thank you! 🥹
Gypsy Family Farm
Willow, you have accomplished a lot! I'm proud of you and I don't even know you!
Withering Willows
10:25:13 Willow 🌈
I'm proud of myself though. While I don't have a job yet or my own home like I dreamt as a kid by the time I turned 20, I /do/ know how to play piano, a dabble of guitar, many languages (a few words or a few phrases) AND I have been teaching myself coding since I joined WolfPlay in 2021. WP is my reason for now knowing that I want a career in Computer Sciences. I didn't think I'd know what I wanted to do 100% until my late 20s.
Angels angels
10:24:46 [1k+ brindles] Angel
That means my little brother will be an adult next year.. but he is still a baby lol
Angels angels
10:22:24 [1k+ brindles] Angel
SCF Sporting Chance
10:21:49 SCF/Gibbs
Willow.. I would either show him or explore.. even sub horses can still do things in explore.
Withering Willows
10:21:01 Willow 🌈
It's real. I turn 20 this year. It's insane.
Angels angels
10:20:21 [1k+ brindles] Angel
What the heck?!
I just learned people born in 2005 are turning 20 this year >.>
Is that real? That can't be real. That was like yesterday
Withering Willows
10:09:06 Willow 🌈
What is this horse good for? -HEE Click-
Thank you storm, maybe am losing track of my straws now.
Bioshock Manor
10:04:49 Storm
Yes it tells you they were sold.
This may be a silly question, when straws from a stallion sale.
Do you get a notification?
My stallion showing he has 11 straws I do remember some where up for sale and they are no longer showing.
Am am guessing they where bought.
10:01:18 marsh 🌈
nope no sound
all of my horses are 100% what?
Withering Willows
09:59:53 Willow 🌈
Is there supposed to be sound? </3
09:59:10 marsh 🌈
Withering Willows
09:58:43 Willow 🌈
Why can none of my horses breed?
Withering Willows
09:55:46 Willow 🌈
Just because. I'm focusing more on palettes than the game itself right now.
Bioshock Manor
09:54:22 Storm
Ooh. Yes Sun
09:53:44 Sun's Spl TB's
-HEE Click-
Mmmm I like this match very much *_*

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