The woman gave a small chuckle to him before shaking her head softly, though didn't move too much to make sure he didn't stop playing with her hair. She sort of sighed and moved to peck his lips after a moment. "Well getting into the castle was definitely crazy," she chuckled gently to him before sitting back a little. "The rest of it is pretty normal stuff," she teased him gently after a moment. She looked over at him after a moment and gave a grin. "The kids would love to see him!" She chuckled lightly.
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Sage sort of hummed in response to her comment and nodded, grin ing over at her despite the fact that she probably couldn't see it. "It definitely was. It was crazy that Anya even decided to go to the tavern, and then even more crazy that she kept doing it," he noted with a chuckle, shaking his head slightly. Though when she mentioned the kids, he nodded, humming softly and patting her back. "They definitely will," he chirped. "but speaking of the kids, they're probably destroying the kitchen trying to make breakfast for themselves by now," he noted, voice fond.
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The woman gave a small grin to him before sort of turning to look back at him again. "It's crazy that you even agreed to go out with her. Or not kill her," she mused gently to him. "Never mind getting up to the castle," she added lightly to him. She sort of have a small huff of air when he patted her back and slowly moved to untwine herself from him, then went to get ready. She gave a small sigh and moved to get changed. "I'll go feed the gremlins," she mused gently to him.
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Sage chuckled lightly in response to her comments and nodded. "Thought about it, when she first showed up after the tavern was closed," he mused. 'then for whatever reason I decided I could be a decent person for a few minutes," he added, rather amused now by their whole escapade for that year or two of time. He nodded lightly when she moved to get up, pecking her on the lips again before moving to get ready himself, grunting in response to her comment and then wandering down himself a few minutes later.
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The woman gave a small grin to him and waved at him a little before moving to get the kids some breakfast... she made up some lunch for them as well, since they were going out, and started making up some cup cakes to bring up to the castle with them. She looked over at Sage with a little grin when he came down the stairs. She soon enough had everything packed away and started washing up before pointing to the muffins that were now cooling on the table. "Can you grab those then we can all get going," she mused happily to him.
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Sage had gotten ready before wandering downstairs, helping Mari put the little things together and then sliding over to plop down at the table and eat with the kids, at least for a bit. Soon enough, though, he sent them off to get ready to go and moved to take care of the horses before they left. He made sure chaos and the colt he'd named Luther were both ready to go, as he'd see if att would want the big guy. Or Anya, he supposed. Either one. He'd hooked chaos up and tied Luther to the back of the cart they normally rode in, and then moved them to the house and left them there to relax in the shad eas they got ready. He nodded in response to Maris comment, happily moving to gather the muffins, and then the kids, up. They were on their way out quickly after that, horses and people alike glad to get out and move down the streets quickly.
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The woman helped get the kids ready to hop on the cart, and soon enough they were on their way. She was excited to see the doctor... it had been a little while since they'd seen him. She loved him, he was Saged dad and the kids adored him, even if they ran him ragged most of the time. She liked seeing Att too... it made her chuckle that while Anya had cared for him, he'd always been trouble for her. Sage always seemed to manage him, though. He wasn't his kid, but he was essentially his first child, and it was always nice to see them together. He had to be in his mid teens by now, so Luther would probably have been perfect for him in a few years time. They soon made it through the gates though, and she had to admit she was curious as to how things were going in the caste. Everyone seemed more tense than usual... so when they finally got the the doctor she couldn't help her big grin when the kids ran up to him.
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Sage was more than happy to be out and visiting the old man, as well as att and his old friend. Anya really was like a sister to him, and they almost never saw each other any more. Along the way, he sort of taught Silas how to drive the carriage....as in, the boy sat in his lap and held the reins with him. The boy loved it though, so he was more than happy to mess about a bit along the way. Once they got there though, he handed the horses off to one of the guards, with whom he'd become well aquatinted with, and followed his family into the ward happily.
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The woman couldn't help the little grin that spread across her face as she watched Liz run and try and jump into the old man's arms, though he sort of just let her wrap her arms around his legs and patted her head. Silas pretty much did the same, though he'd tried to start talking the man's ear off before he went to sit down. Mari greeted the man happily, and reassured him that this was just a nice visit for once rather than either one of them being injured. She took a seat not far from the man, and Sage had joined her by the time they'd all settled down. (Just a heads up we're moving to the states over the next couple of months so posts might be completely out of wack time wise 😂) Edited at August 5, 2024 07:48 PM by Belle
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Sage couldn't help the snicker that formed when the doctor was pulled down into the kids, both physically and mentally, as it took all the concentration one could have to catch everything Silas babbled about, and an even more amount to respond to it all. But the man managed, in the growly, slightly grumbly but very fond way he always did. Sage plopped down on the couch next to Mari, wrapping an arm around her happily and settling himself down as they all clustered into his office. It was nice to see the man, especially while he wasn't dying or something. It was an amusing thought ...but nice all the same. (Lol, no worries! 🤣)
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