Pony Loving Pons
08:11:03 Peep/sam
Eternal Rose Oasis
08:09:57 Oasis
@Pony Is it bad I know every reference in their names?
08:08:40 Myth/Crowley/Grinch
Pony Loving Pons
08:07:16 Peep/sam
And that's the wrong link 🫠
Pony Loving Pons
08:06:54 Peep/sam
-HEE Click-
Yay all my horses are named after songs
which shard do you need?
Glacier Bay Cove
07:57:51 Angel Cats
One more rusty bit shard, and I complete another quest
where are all my jousters at? 🙄
Nordic Designs
07:50:26 Keonah
I feel that, I'm coming up on 10 years
Embervale Acres
07:49:30 Solar Phoenix
it's my one year anniversary on here today, it doesn't feel that long lol
MakeEm Fancy
07:48:51 Ally 💜
Thank you guys ^.^ Im hopeful she can restart my herd a bit
Dash and Duchess
07:47:21 DD
Ally, Hermione is gorgeous! And the Copper bay is so gorgeous 0.0
MakeEm Fancy
07:44:56 Ally 💜
It has taken me a long time to get where I am <3 Just keep working at it and you will get there!
Blue Diamond
07:43:55 Bluey
I wish I had as good of horses as you
Moon Glory Stables
07:39:33 Lynx/Whisper
hermione's gorgeouss
MakeEm Fancy
07:38:54 Ally 💜
This is another one Im excited for
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
07:38:24 Ally 💜
Im very excited about the all up ^.^
MakeEm Fancy
07:36:05 Ally 💜
If he produces well he will get art lol
Dash and Duchess
07:35:23 DD
Ally, Oo! and AU wk 4 is a great sign!
Blue Diamond
07:34:22 Bluey
you got arts coming for him?
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 Year: 185   Season: Fall   $: 0 Wed 08:11pm CST  
 Forecast: Moderate Temperatures and OvercastGo Raid 

Horse Page

foal 29276810
Appendix Quarter Horse Colt

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foal 29276810

Color: Chestnut
Horse Nbr: 39655493
Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse
Sex: Colt
Birthdate: December 5, 2024
Age: 1
Birth Year: 185
Straws Drawn: 0
Height: 11.1 Hands

Barn: 73. Barn

Brand: None
Sire: 39174782
Dam: 39174352
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Unknown (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Nobody
Training In: All Disciplines
Training Sessions: 0

Eventing Level: 1 Not Ready
Dressage Level: 1 Inhand
Cross Country Level: 1 Inhand
Jumping Level: 1 Inhand
Show Experience: 0

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Championship Shows: 0
Total Winnings: 0
Total Points: 0
Yearly Winnings: 0
Yearly Points: 0
Total Profit: 0
Recent Placings: 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0
Total Fed Points: 0

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