Revel Ranch
Whenever I do call a place that uses a robot, the things the robot says they can help with are never the reason I called.
06:24:31 puck
literally that's what i do too generally the robots are sooo unhelpful
Revel Ranch
I just yell, "Customer service!" over and over again. XD
Arctic Dusk
06:22:46 AL - Hateful RIDs
Oh yeah, my mum have taken to yell " real person" over and over until she gets to talk to one
Revel Ranch
@Versa, awww, does he have a hard time jumping on furniture?
06:21:44 puck
I just had to talk to one because the sunpass website wasnt working and it actually went super smoothly and i was braced and angry the whole time ready to yell at it to give me a human but it never gave me a reason to which makes me even madder 😂
Shamrock Equines
06:21:12 Crowley
Ah both frames are 1/1 Ws!
Puck- 😂 I can't stand the robot phone calls. I refuse I want a real person.
06:19:12 puck
cant believe i spent years overcoming my anxiety about cell phones only to end up only speaking to fucking robots anyways
06:17:37 Versa
He's doing great! Gets very excited for mealtime, now. I got him a new staircase up to my furniture that he likes better, so he'll curl up and sleep with me at night. :)
Shamrock Equines
06:15:41 Crowley
2 back to back frames!
Shamrock Equines
06:14:21 Crowley
Woohoo frame!
Revel Ranch
@Versa, how is sketti?
06:11:35 Versa
I'd help you if I could, Myth lol
Shamrock Equines
06:09:45 Crowley
I wanna pay someone to breed my SDs for me lol
06:08:41 Versa
For me it'd be more for the rusty bits, I think. And also to maybe sell some pretty, trained babies... But I feel like even my fully trained WC spooks relentlessly
Willow Grove
06:08:17 Stalker of Chat
I started bravery simply for all the bravery quests I get. Theyre pretty nice to have around but I dont think ill ever try to make them more than just quest horses
Revel Ranch
@Versa, I like the idea of explore, but it isn't fun when your horse who supposedly has a good rating spooks a lot so you can't get decor.
06:06:51 Versa
I considered breeding bravery... And then kind of didn't want to... And then kind of did. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to explore a heck of a ton daily.
Revel Ranch
Thinking about forgetting about my plan to breed bravery KNN. I'm tired of my fully trained Elite bravery horse spooking a ton. Had the same problem with world class bravery horses when I bred them too.
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 Year: 188   Season: Spring   $: 0 Sun 06:26pm CST  
 Forecast: Heavy Rain

Horse Page

39273327 W
AWS Sport Pony Gelding

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39273327 W

Color: Mahogany Bay Leopard Appaloosa
Horse Nbr: 39273327
Breed: Sport Pony
Sex: Gelding
Birthdate: October 28, 2024
Age: 6
Birth Year: 183
Height: 14 Hands

 Brokenwood Barn
Barn: Geldings X2

Brand: þþ
Sire: 8:||AWS|| Ignatius 122
Dam: Locks X Eyefo 167
Foals This Year: 0
Bravery: Sub-Par (0%)

Sales History

Ridden by: Bella (3) (C)
Training In: Cross Country
Training Sessions: 19

Eventing Level: 2 Not Ready
Dressage Level: 1 Inhand
Cross Country Level: 4 Training
Jumping Level: 3 Cross Rails
Show Experience: 36

Training Gauge

 Managed Shows
Horse is Rated:
Dressage: Average
Cross Country: World Class
Show Jumping: Superb

Color Rarity: 1 of 669

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